A solution to the life and death butterfly

Just as the two of them were about to head to blows, Chen Jin stood up and got between them. "Now now there is no need to fight. Let us see if we can figure out how to attract the butterfly other than killing a lot of people." Chen Jin said.

"Besides I don't think that we could even do it anyway. I am not sure if the city has so many criminals they would be willing to kill. And if we tell them that the only way to stop hundreds of innocent deaths is by killing hundreds of people, and that too without anyproof, they will probably chase us out first." Zhang Zi said.

"Let's call this the absolute final plan and try and come up with something more reasonable." Xiao Hong replied.

Ao Tianzi and Bai Yun glared at each other and finally sat down.

"We need to find something that will attract the butterfly." Bai Yun replied.

"The only thing it wants is to go home. It is going to be difficult to find anything that interests it." Ao Tianzi replied.