The life and death butterfly

Bai Yun looked up at the audience. Even though he could sense the butterfly, he couldn't locate it.

Bai Yun stood right next to the cage. He looked up at the audience and smiled. "The auction begins now. The lowest bid for the butterfly is twenty thousand low grade spirit stones."

"Thirty thousand." Barely had he finished when Ao Tianzi shouted out. 

"Forty thousand." Another voice came out of another room. 

"Sixty thousand." Ao Tianzi yelled back.

"Seventy thousand." Another person bid.

"One hundred thousand." Ao Tianzi shouted another bid with no regard to the price. Since he knew that the auction was a sham and that he would not have to pay anything, he was just yelling out larger and larger numbers with no regard for logic.

For a moment no one counterbid. A death flame butterfly may be valuable, but a hundred thousand low grade spirit stones might be pushing it.