The third round of the alchemy test

When Bai Yun's eyes could see again, he found himself standing in a large hall. The hall was simply too large, being over a mile wide and long. There were hundreds of bookshelves all around them, all filled with books. In a world where information was mostly recorded in jade slips and orbs, it was rare to see books.

There were hundreds of seats in five giant hemi spherical rows in an empty space in the middle of the hall. Each person was randomly seated in one of the seats. Bai Yun was sitting in the third of the five rows. Every single person was also sitting in a seat. There was a small table in front of each of them with a small orb and a small box in front of them.

And in the middle of them, at the very centre of the circle, sat a woman wearing the robes of the alchemist pavillion.