Battling dao step

When the Dao step masked man appeared in the middle of the floor, the entire floor went silent. Bai Yun and Ao Tianzi looked grave as they glared at the masked man, while the other masked men were excited.

"What happened here? I came in because I sensed the teleportation talisman trying to activate and failing." The new masked man asked.

"I am sorry lord." One of the other masked men replied. "We could not get the weapon as instructed even after trying everything. Not only that, We failed to notice the two of them sneaking in. They took control of the formation while we were focused on the weapon. With the formation behind them, we were no match. They captured the leader and were trying to get information out of him when you showed up."

The dao step masked man frowned before he turned to the leader of the masked men. "Did you say anything?" He asked. The leader fainty croaked out a denial, before passing out.