
Alex himself does not know that the dated counterattack will be launched in advance just because of his deeds.

In fact, for him, the day for the German counterattack is still the same as stated in history. Which results in the German army ending with nothing more but just fighting to the last man.

Although he won't know what the British High Command thinks, the fiasco of Wales' Camp will undoubtedly irritate those British.

The huge conflict will begin soon!

Halal Farmer seems to be busy looting those weapons and ammunition that survived the onslaught. He picked two SMLE rifles and stored a lot of bullets in a spare bag. It seems that he felt that there will be a fierce battle soon, more than ever.

Alex smiled and shook his head. What is the use of all these rifles and bullets? Is it really possible to kill a huge number far greater with just the power of two people? Meh...

Looking at the smoking horizon, Alex pointed to the east. "Beansprout, let's go, its time for hunting..."

Two people who had turned the British military's camp into hell went on and disappeared from the battlefield.

Only the huge German flag is still dancing in the wind as if it made a laughing joke to the upcoming British…


Major General Gough looked at everything in front of him, and he could not believe that the Wales Infantry Regiment was defeated.

These damn militiamen have simply lost the face of the British as a whole!

Of course, there is also Prince Soberk's Camp. Are they not known as elite? How can such an elite be so....fragile?

From the information gathered, the enemy has invested a small number of troops, even only a handful of people. The only terrible thing is the three tanks that suddenly appeared on the battlefield.

According to Major John, the three tanks are devastating, and the firepower caused by its machine guns is simply overwhelming. And this is what made General Gough worried.

Did the Germans invent a new type of Tank? Then this may have an unpredictable impact on the war.

"Increase the range of the search! Be sure to find those damn Germans!" Major General Gough shouted as he was annoyed.

Until now, he still firmly believes that it is a "Hidden German Elite" force that attacked those camps.

"We have sent more than a dozen search troops sir, and I believe they will be found soon." Adjutant Ronnie came over. "Sir, the Secret Intelligence Bureau is coming."

"Is it the MI6?" Gough asked as he put on a serious expression. "Let him come over."

Before the outbreak of World War I, Germany was still madly preparing for war, sending a group of missive spies to the United Kingdom, but the British political and intelligence agencies were quite numb and vulnerable to these attacks.

Some people with good insight realize that war is inevitable and urged the state the establishment of a new military intelligence organization.

This proposal was approved, but it was not until August 1909 that the new intelligence agency, the Secret Intelligence Service, officially appeared on the basis of the original secrecy bureau. The bureau is divided into two parts. Part of it is the Secret Security Bureau, responsible for domestic security and anti-spyware work in the UK. The other part is the Secret Intelligence Service, which is responsible for spying on work overseas. Because these two departments belong to the fifth and sixth divisions of the War Office, they are also known as MI5 (MI5) and MI6 (MI6).

It was the Sergeant Lev of the MI6. When he saw the general, Lev went straight to the general's table and stopped a couple of meters with the general as he stood in salute, "General, I need several reliable people under your command sir, and I will gather intelligence related to the two camp's demise. In the German Second Army, we have a spy, he could collect a reliable piece of information for us about the attacker."

Upon hearing this, General Gough concentrated his attention, and Lev's look was more solemn as he placed the documents of the spy on the General's table

"This is one of our ace spies. Maybe we could figure out some secrets of the Germans."

"Okay, Sergeant, I will cooperate with you." General Gough nodded. "Where is the location of the transfer?"

The map was taken over, and with the direction of Lev's fingers, General Gough frowned: "That is a junction of the Germans."

"Yes General." Sergeant Lev nodded. "He can only get through there. He hides deep in within the German ranks and must not be too far away, otherwise, it will increase the risk of exposure."

General Gough thought carefully and considered the meeting: "Ronnie, find an available assault team to give to the sergeant, be sure to bring that piece of information back."

Now, things have changed a bit. If we can find out the secrets of the Germans, it will definitely bring great benefits to the British in the future war, one way or another.

At this time, a huge piece of good news spurred General Gough as a soldier rushed to give the general a report in which receive a frown from the General due to the brashness of the said soldier as he asked, "What happened?"

"General, we found the Germans!"

"One of our patrols encountered those Germans. Currently, they are exchanging fire, and we received 3 casualties sir but the Germans are temporarily unable to break out."

"Tank? Did you see a German Tank!?" Gough asked him the question he was most concerned about the most.

"No Tank was found, sir."

General Gough frowned, Tank? Where did the German Tank go? Isn't it this the same group of Germans that attacked those camps?

But all the speculations at the moment are meaningless. General Gough quickly made the decision: "Lieutenant Henry! bring a company to the position, remember, I want those Germans captured alive!".

"Yes Sir!"


It was indeed accidental that Alex and Halal Farmer were blocked.

Everything went on smoothly, but the British's patrol team, which coincidentally had a team on route for changing guard, happened to pass by here, and it was just opposite to Alex and Halal Farmer's position!

Without any hesitation, Alex swept a bullet barrage and stumbled on the spot, which started a fierce encounter.

The patrol team had about a dozen people, but Alex quickly found a safe vantage point with his keen observation. Relying on the power of the Sub Machine Gun, they killed two British in succession.

But obviously, they are also temporarily unable to get out…

The exchange of fire was very intense, and the opposite patrol could not threaten the duo, but what worried Alex the most is whether the British will reinforce the position.

Halal Farmer didn't say anything, just pulling the trigger of his weapon, he seemed more willing to use a rifle than the Sub Machine Gun.

A British soldier peeked out with his head, which directly resulted in a black hole to his forehead.

"Poof...Beep", blood mixed with brains sprayed out, and the British soldier stumped to the ground.

This made his companions horrified, some even shrieked uncharacteristically..

"Good kill!" Alex screamed loudly and fired a bullet barrage on his side as those British can't mount up proper resistance with this suppression fire combined with the terrible death of the soldier, it completely suppressed British patrol.

But soon, the thing Alex worried about the most really happened...

The British's reinforcements are here!