
As 'farmer' was halfway into pulling the revolver from his uniform, he was met by a quick roundhouse kick from Alex into the arm that was pulling the revolver.


Which made 'farmer' unconsciously' pull the trigger of the revolver, with the bullet hitting himself in the foot. Making him curl up from the unexpected damage to the foot.

Alex immediately followed up picking a combat knife from his leg and stabbed the blade into the neck of 'farmer' and into the head in quick succession.

Alex watched as the life faded away from the senior spy as he sighed.

Then, he checked on the designated time given by Asuka. '2 minutes and 34 seconds... just enough' Alex mused as he quickly traversed out of the bombardment zone.

Alex was just on a bit of a threshold outside the range when he heard the dreadful sentence from Asuka.

-Authorizing Precision Bombardment: Authority(Operator): Confirmed-

-Heavy Artillery (Gustav Cannon (Port 1-3-5-8)): IN POSITION-

-Setting target coordinates-


-Coordinates Confirmed-


Alex felt the hair on his neck stand up as he heard the unfeeling verdict salvo confirmations from the communicator as he cursed and ran with all his might.

'fuck fuck fuck fuck!' Alex thought as he reached fast and ducked behind a large rock just outside the projectile bombardment range.

Boom Boom Boom Booom BOOOOM!

The bombardment continued for at least 5 minutes before going into a halt, like at the eye of the storm. Then, Alex heard Asuka once again from the communicator.q

-Mission Targets Neutralized-

-Neutralizing Relay Beta-

-Loading Hellfire Napalm Rounds-

-Coordinates Confirmed-


The artillery bastions roared in unison as they fired their designated rounds into the target of the sweep.

Alex shuddered as he saw Armageddon ravaging the area he was once in a few minutes ago

'If I was late even just one minute I would be roast meat!' Alex thought as he ducked again behind the rock as the earth shakes from another impact.

It is like hell on earth. Incendiary rounds burned almost every patch of the area of the bombardment range, not a single speck of rock was spared.

The fire burned fast for at least 10 seconds before disappearing into nothing, leaving charred remains of what was the meeting place and those of ashes from the relay teams.

-All Mission Targets, Neutralized-

-Bombarment Mission, Complete-

-Good hunting, Operator. Asuka out-

Alex didn't reply as he felt numb from all the explosions and random gusts of wind.

He slumped into the ground for a few minutes as he gathered himself and made his way to the location of Halal Farmer.


Halal Farmer was cleaning his rifle as he wait in the designated area by the Lieutenant. He stood vigil sharply as he maintained his weapon, ready for any 'inconveniences' that may pop up in this forest.

Gunfire and loud booms of the artillery getting closer and closer. British Aircraft going on multiple sorties flies overhead Halal's position. Unaware that the reason for such massive reaction from the Germans just lies beneath their noses.

Halal Farmer then hears a rustle on the bushes behind him, he readies his weapon immediately with such speed that would maybe trump some of the modern SF's.

Halal Farmer instantly recognized the person by the bushes as the brave Lieutenant Wernst as he immediately pointed his weapon away from the said Lieutenant.

Alex made his way to Halal Farmer.

"Beansprout, report," Alex said.

"All clear Lieutenant, no enemies in within range." replied Halal as he continued to check the perimeter.

"The British are busy, the Germans have begun their counterattack. We'll head south by dusk, and hope to connect with the advancing German forces." curly said Alex as he checked on his munitions.

Halal Farmer nodded. He places his bets on survival with the miracle Lieutenant and he has not lost his trust on the person.

"Take a shut eye for 3 hours. I'll take watch," said Alex as he noticed how tired was his African pal.

Halal Farmer nodded once again as he placed his weapon just beside him and squatted at the root of a huge oaken tree.

'This was a long night...' Alex mused as he distanced himself from the sleeping Halal Farmer and went to contact Asuka.

"Yes Operator?" said Asuka.

"How long until the Germans reach this area," said Alex as he calculated his chances.

"The 19th Vanguard Battalion will reach 2km south your position in 5 hours, Operator" flatly said Asuka.

"The 2nd Recon Planes will sweep near your position in 4 hours. Good Luck Operator," added Asuka.

Alex once again sighed as he resumed guard in his position.
