WebNovelFINAL WAR52.94%

Invasion 1

Rick and Henry were the first one to arrive.

"How is the situation?" asked Rick.

"There are two large openings of wormholes in the ninth ring sir! the size of the wormhole is 3 times larger than the last one." replied one of the staff.

Everyone knew what this meant, the War has finally begun.

"Connect me to Air Chief Marshal Oliver," Rick ordered.

Oliver faces pop out of the virtual screen.

"Marshal Rick" Oliver saluted.

"Air Chief Marshal Oliver, you know the situation, report back to the Neptune military base and take over the camp, you and General Henry will be in charge of defending the area." Ordered Rick.

"Understood Marshal!" Henry and Oliver saluted as they both received their orders.


10^4 Oort Cloud station, Interstellar Medium

In a Battlestation C-07

"Air Marshal! We have detected life signals coming from the wormhole," reported flying officer Kenneth.

"Everybody on standby," Commanded Air Marshal Steven as he looks into the dark abyss from his windscreen.

Thousands of long-range energy blasters line up near the wormhole surrounded by billions of battleships.

The whole place was eerie quiet when suddenly a screech burst out of the wormhole.

Millions of Entomons pour out from on the wormhole along with hundreds of class 10 monsters Leviathan.

"Fire!" shouted Air Marshal Steven as the Motherships pour out hundreds of high energy beam into the swarms as they cut through the Entomons like butter and incinerate them.

The Leviathans were disarray as the few of them were killed and many of them got seriously injured.

They screech with pain as they release out the Entomons from their stomach.

100s of millions Entomons came out from their stomach and charge straight into the battleships.

A small size Leviathans can carry 150 millions of Entomons while the larger one can carry 250 million Entomons.

The size of the Mother Leviathans is still unknown as they have not seen her.

"Deploy the Aggressor battleship Squadrons 1!" ordered Steven.

Hundreds of million battleships at the frontline received their orders.

"All units of Aggressor Squadrons 1, you now have authorized battleship, please deploy the battleship and ready to get engage in battle!" an autonomous voice sounded in the headset of the pilots.

The pilots received their orders and start lining up in a formation.

The battleships were like the tip of a silver spear, they flew across space as they clash on with the Entomons.

The Entomons were screeching as they charge into the battleships by the billions.

Pew pew pew Rain of laser beams stream down on the Entomons as it washes away like dust in the rain.

The Entomons were held back from advancing into the battlefield as the lasers obliterate them.

The Aggressor Squadrons 1 battleships were like a shield, nothing can pass through them in their line of firing range.

"High energy level detected," as soon as the Autonomous voice warns the pilot BAM, a gigantic hard shell Entomon slams and crashes into their formations.

The Leviathans can be seen shooting out those Gigantic hard shell Entomons into the battleships formation as they went on a rampage and destroyed everything in their sights.

The pilots were dumbstruck by the sudden attack, they never anticipate these kinds of attacks, they weren't prepared for this.

They didn't know the Leviathans have these kinds of amazing abilities.

The Leviathans keeps shooting out the Hard Shell Entomons from its mouth.

It was a vacuum chamber with pressurized air, the Leviathans sucked in the Hard Shell Entomons inside their vacuum chamber and shoots out the Hard Shells Entomons into battleships formation faster than the bullets with an insane amount of energy.

With the sudden disruption from Leviathans and the Hard Shell Entomons, billions of Entomons took advantage of the situation and charged straight into the battleships as they rip the ships apart.

The energy shields did not last long as the battleships crumble next by next.

This all happen in a blink of an eye, both sides are now in a tug of war as casualties keep increasing and the death continues to pile up.

The Entomons were finally giving pressure to the humans.

"Life energy detected from the two wormholes," Flying Officer Kelvin reported.

"Recall back the Aggressor battleship Squadrons 1, and order for retreat," Ordered Air Marshal Steven.

This is a long term war, they cannot go all out from the beginning, they have to buy time as much as they could, this was their first priority and orders from the higher-ups.

"Release and scatter the space xx-mine as we retreat, and order everyone to head for the Neptune base, 10^4 Oort Cloud station is compromised, we are going there to regroup with Air Chief Marshal Oliver," Steven gave his order.

With the help of the motherships and the other squadrons, the Aggressor battleship Squadrons 1 retreated slowly.

The Hard Shell Entomons were pushed back with heavy guns from the motherships, most of them were killed.

The Entomons tried to chase after them but they were met with xx-mine which blasted them into oblivion.

The Entomons were incinerated by the xx-mine as they keep chasing the battleships, the losses were heavy, the numbers keep dwindling down.

Seeing the situation was bad, the Scarab commander screech as he recalls back his troops as well.

Swarms of Entomons start pouring out from the wormholes along with Gigantic Leviathans, they were much bigger than the other Leviathans.

The Entomons Queens has arrived, the Entomons were screeching and roaring with excitement.

They finally bowed down their heads as they prostrate in front of the wormhole.

A pitch black Leviathans twice the size of a normal Leviathan came out from the wormhole like a snake sliding out from its hole.