Act 2: Nation War

From the below of Yggdrasil called Earth.

The Nation of Nature, outburst from a war.

Treant 1: Fire the magical cannon from 3'o clock.!!

Treant 2: at 4'o clock.!!

Treant 3: 12'o clock.!!

Akashan: Keep firing.!! Don't lose hope, My friends.!!

Observer Treant: Incoming.... 700 airship bombers, 400 airship cannon fleets, and 350 airship destroyers.

Zenra: Chief.!! Used our secret weapon now.!! We can't do too much now.!! (while talking: her gun shot from all enemies)

Akashan: I wouldn't allowed that. The Mother Tree will die. If we used that accidentally our home, our family, and The Mother Tree will be destroyed.

Zenra: I understand that Chief.!! but we need to sacrifice for the sake to win. We can evacuate others.!!

Akashan: To those who are still alive in the battlefield follow me and evacuate.!!

*the soldiers and civillians who are injured followed Chief Akashan from the safety*

Treant 4: incoming... at 8'o clock.!!

Treant 5: What?! Chief. Our mana is drained by that monster.

Akashan: What kind of monster is that?!!

General Eric: Don't be terrified. I've got this I spot it's weakness. Soldiers lend me your cannons I have still enough mana. He shout: Oh, Mother Tree help me from this kind of situation. Aaaaarggh.!!

*The cannon were fired at the bottom and fired twice on it's forehead. Chief Akashan went to mother tree to unleashed its inner power*

All: Chief.!! Our last hope.!! We believe in you.!!

*All civillians who are evacuated, The Generals, The Soldiers and even The Mother get the attention of Akashan.*

General Gaia: All of you salute.!! We are counting on you. It is yours now Chief.!!

Akashan: I have no choice but to do this. (open his grimoire and chant the words)

Akashan: "O, Mother Tree we're counting on you, Lend us your power, Lend us the wrath of nature, lend us your aid and energy. Give us our last hope."

*The Mother Tree become a sword. A beautiful golden sword with thorns of roses*

*Akashan charged the mother tree*

Akashan: Aaaaarrrggghh.!! Take all of this. He shout: "Nature Pierce.!!"

*The Mother Tree was fired straight from all enemies*

*The enemies vanished and The Mother Tree too*

*The Nation of Nature was in verge of collapsing into pieces. Akashan was damaged to his right arm and his right eye is injured. He collpased from the middle and suddenly Raven(The Prophetess) appeared to save Akashan*

*Few months Zenra, Eric, Gaia and other injured civillians found another island to live on*

*After that. Zenra found a seed in a place of nowhere and plant it where they live on*

Zenra: A seed of Mother Tree will grow in months. Just keep our patience. The Mother Tree will be regenerated soon.

Civilians: Thanks.!! We are all saved.!! (They cheer happily and celebrate while others are crying from their lose love ones)

Eric: I missed our chief. Where he is now?

Zenra: We don't know yet.

Gaia: Let's find him and search from the deepest realm of Yggdrasil.

Zenra: Zoan.!!

Zoan: Yes. big sister.

Zenra: From now on. You are a temporary general in command. Guard this island and protect our civilians. Give our soldiers a duty and task. I know you can do it. You are my only family. Okay?

Zenra: *salute* Yes. sister.!!

The three generals where off to find their chief.

To be continued....

Author: Well... well... welll... Look at here. Our three generals set off an adventure

to find their one and only strongest chief from the deepest realm of Yggdrasil.