Act.3: The Oracle part.1

Author: here we go for our act.3

*People claiming war nation versus nation. Light to darkness and darkness to light for survival.*

In Fio'a country(heavenly beings live in here on the top of Yggdrasil) where tribes and other tribes took this country for rich resources but many people died because of it's mysterious traps.

Drake: Why people makes more suffering? War is useless. I'm sad and every night comes. Tears are running down to my eyes.

*When Drake wiping his tears, Mikael came by*

Mikael: My lord, Can I interrupt you first.

Drake: Yes. What is it?

Mikael: There's a good news and bad news according to our Prophetess.

Drake: I chose the bad news and last the good news.

Mikael: *salute* Yes. sir.!!

Mikael: According to her. Soon the last war of the world will come and Start again for a new world.

and good news, The three heroes will come but one of these heroes will changed.

Drake: *nods* interesting. splendid.!! Why Holton does not tell me this? How strange.... Mikael, I'll give you a task protect the three heroes be ready for unexpected results. Search them and bring them here.!!

Mikael: As you wish my lord, My King.

Luke: What is happening? Why are you in a rush, Mikael?

Mikael: Three heroes will arise to end this useless war.

Luke: What?!! (shock and laugh) Damn. Looks like I will be working again.

The rise of three will be the rebirth of new dawn. I will prepare our feast soon as you and the others searching for them (laugh, walk from the platform thinking his speech and Gabriel blowed the horn)

Luke: Listen.!! Our brothers and sisters, saints, saintess and our soldiers

Three heroes will rise from their slumber sleep. Our new dawn will be reborn.!!

Praise to God.!! Drake our everlasting king.!! All hail to the king.!! Hallelujah.!!

All: (singing, shout and cheered happily) All hail to the King.!!

Outlook person from the outside: aaahhh.... This will be a big news for Hidan(laugh menacingly)

*The out look person walk away and wrote a letter for Hidan but Drake notice it afar from him and the outlook run off.

Outlook: Did he notice me?. I will hid my presence and wrote a letter to our King.

Drake: Hey, You there?!

Soldier 1: Roam around from this kingdom, To spy that aura I felt earlier. Use this Mersaicol to contact me.

Soldier: *salute*

*Drake go back to his room to write a letter to the Constellar Kingdom*

*Meanwhile at the constellar kingdom*

Observer 1: Sir.!! Look to our monitor. Nation of nature was destroyed... the balance of nature was destroyed. All eating plant animals were out of control. They try to eat their own kind. They've become a horrible monsters made by that black smoke... It is not from the younger brother of King Holton.

John: What happened from the lifestream?

Observer 2: Sir.!! There are a lots of big holes appearing from all nation

from the right where human race live in a small country, the golem race, the demonoid race and other small nation was swallowed by that black smoke. Big nations like The Draconian race, The Heavenly Race, Our Constellar Kingdom, and The Giant race are safe.

John: Check, All other hidden places. I have a bad feeling about this.

*From the visualization room of Constellar Kingdom*

The Prophetess saw all the events clearly that will destroyed earth and the Yggdrasil.

Prophetess: This is bad news. The Underworld will rise again....

*She saw a girl(a 12 year old girl) from the cave of nowhere*

Prophetess: No.!! Don't come inside, It's dangerous out there.!!(She open her eyes suddenly and rush to King Drake's throne)

To be continued...

Author: I'am shock. A dangerous threat is coming soon....