Unknown Act.2: Gundam Kits

9am Sunday, 2021 in the morning at the author's house.

Girlfriend: Hey, Honey. Wake up. It is morning already.

Author: Just five more minutes. I slept late because I just built the awesome and fabulous Gundam Kit. I ever build.!! I will call the gundam, Gundam G-self Perfect Atmospheric Pack.!! *drools* Why so shiny.?!!

Girlfriend: sigh. Is it just the gundam is important to you or your work as novelists?

Author: uhm. sometimes my hobby takes priority first. wahahahahaha. *evil laugh* I just bought to this to my allowance.

Girlfriend: Okay. Honey. I'am here for you.

Author: *kissing her in the forehead*

Girlfriend: What time is your work for today?

Author: 7pm, evening.

Girlfriend: For today just clean up the house while waiting. I will just be away for now okay?

Author: Yes. My lady. *bow*

Author: wait. where are you going?

Girlfriend: At SM Telebastagan *She gave the cleaning list*

Author: Okay, Butter Biscuit just leave this to me.

*4 hours later*

Author: phew. I'am finished. While she's gone I built another Gundam Kit.

*2 hours later*

Girlfriend: I'm home.!!!

Author: Welcome. Ojou-sama.

Girlfriend: *smiled* I just bought groceries and I have surprise for you.

Author: Another Gundam Kit.

Girlfriend: Yes. I'm not familiar with its name but It looks so cool. *here* *She gave the gundam kit*

Author: woaahhh.!! It's Wing Gundam Zero Hoonoo.!! I love this.!! Thank you very much butter biscuits.!! I build this tomorrow.

*1 hour later*

Author: It is done.!! *drools* Exia Dark Matter.!! hehe-hehe hehe-hehe.

*while waiting at 7pm he wrote a poem for his spare time*

Author: "When I past through experience as fire burns brighter to my soul and mind.

Pain turns me to ashes and from the ashes I reborn as Phoenix that flies around of its searing flame.

A Phoenix with awesome passion and passion was still forbidden because of its powerful mana that will rejuvinate by God's power.

The power of God makes darkness to see the light of its light. As The Phoenix continuously reborn regenerate its scar from battle.

Phoenix will never die and that searing flame was its life and Lord is the greatest spirit and Earth is the greatest gift, our living planet."

(The author leaves his house with a permission to his girlfriend to work, she kissed his girlfriend on the forehead as usual to his daily routine)