Chapter 6: Free Milk Tea?, Bring it on!



(Y/N)'s POV

"you hitted his eye again" he said and I look down and blush a little

"why are you flustered about it?" he asks and I look up at him

"well... he said that if I don't help myself out then he's gonna harm my mom" I speak lowly and he laughs

"and you took it seriously?, Jimin is my best friend, I assure that he'll never harm any woman" Taehyung assures me

"b-but... he said as well if I don't help myself out he'll have no choice but to touch me..." I blush

"chillax, Jimin is not that much of a pervert, he's just trying to find away to help yourself"

"but why does he have to say that?"

he leaves my hair with shampoo around it and starts to wash my back with soap

"think about it (Y/N), we've been helping you these past 3 days, it's already Wednesday and you still haven't eaten yet, of course we have no choice but to force you and threaten you" Taehyung said which is the truth though, once he was done at my back, he moves in front of me and washes my arms and shoulders

"okay okay fine I'll eat but you guys will wash me for now since my hands hurts" I said and he nods

"of course, my lady" he winks

"you're different from all the women that I know" he says randomly and I tilt my head

"really?" he nods

"you're open minded, strong and aware, I never thought that you would beat Jungkook-ah that easily, you know your mistakes, you're aware to your situation, you don't mind to show your body even if it's a man and you're etremely hot and beautiful" he said while he washes my chest, waist and my stomach


I sat up on the edge of bathtub to let him wash my legs as well, his playboy side faded when he saw my boobs bounce, I saw his erection slightly stood up again

"now I understand men." I stated and he grins

"do men get easily erected?" I ask and he nods

he washes my leg and I frown

"you didn't wash my breast." I stated and he blushes

"I'm just being a gentleman" he said

"gentlemen don't kidnap girls like this, every body needs to be clean" I scold him

"you should risk it since you're the one who'll wash me"

"what about you?" Taehyung stares at me

"I'll risk it Taehyung, I would have punched your face before stripping me if I didn't tried something stupid, this is the consequences I'm facing" I said and lean back

"now, be bold and wash my body properly" I said but he just stayed silent

"have you screwed a woman before?" I ask and he nods then I scoff

"to lessen your shyness we'll pretend that way then"

he was surely having a mental breakdown while I just stare at him with an unbothered look

"you're not going to punch me once your hands are healed right?" he asks and I shook my head

"why would I punch you when it was clearly my fault?" I smile and he did as well

"you have a strong Serenity" he grins, he breaths deeply and went back to washing my chest, he pauses for a bit when his hand almost touch my breats, he looks at me

"can I?" he asks

my heart flutters, he was so pure and a gentleman even if he screwed a woman, he was still shy when it comes to this

"sure" I smile at him, his hands finally touched my beasts

"oh crap... this is the most softest breast I've ever touched" he said and I giggle

"I'm glad you think that" I said, he begins to massage it making sure to clean it properly making me moan a little

"are you insecure to the others?" he asks implying something that I know

"yeah, I was a fatty back then, people are so judgemental nowadays so they bullied me, I didn't really mind about being a fatty but when I found out that my fat friend almost got operated because he was very fat like me, I got scared to be like him so I didn't eat that much for 2 months" I said

"you know that is dangerous right?" he asks as he continues to wash my body

"yeah but there's nothing I can do, if I eat something even if it was just one meal for a day, I'll still get fat"

"what about nowadays?" he asks washing my legs to my waist

"I'm now eating regularly, doing exercises and combat training will do the work to shrink this fat cells" I said and he grins

"I'm proud that you plan to lose weight, but be sure to eat properly okay?, you always throw the food that I gave you" he said and I laugh

"I'm sorry about that"

"it's fine, it's good to keep fit, who teached you how to fight?, Namjoon hyung said you have some sick moves"

"my Uncle trained me, he didn't want me to be like my sister who's too girly, he wants me to be brave and strong so I can beat my dad someday, my father is strong at fighting" I said and he nods

"if you're brave then..." he said as he gropes my breast, I moan a little and just let him go this time

"how can you be so calm?" he asks

"I'm just being thoughtful, it's my fault after all"

"let's see how calm you are, if you moan my name, hook your legs and arms around me then you lose, if you don't then I'll treat you some milk tea, deal?" he said and I smirk

"I can moan right?" I ask and he nods

"I'll never lose when it comes to a free milk tea, bring it on." competitive as ever, I let him do the work

he smirks as starts to suck my breast, I moan quitely, he sucks to my neck while groping both of it, I tried my best not to hook around him, I gasp as his hand went down on my pearl

"I should wash this area right?" he smirks and I nod

"well duh" I roll my eyes

he starts rubbing it with a soap and rinses it

a minute passed, Taehyung keeps on sucking, groping, rubbing, he's definitely filling me up, I finally gave up, I hook my legs and arms around him as I moan his name, he stops and smirks

"I win."

with that word, I sink back down the tub and sulk

"nnooooo my milk tea..." I whine

Taehyung smiles at me and rinses me.

"done." I stood up and Taehyung wraps the towel around my body, he carried me back into his arms and walk to a room


he opens the door and I look around, it was very neat, he placed me down the bed and closes the door, he went to the closet and pic a black nightgown and an underwear

"w-wait... where are my clothes?" I ask

"it's in the washing machine, We bought you some clothes and some undies" he said and I blush

"y-you don't have to-, I'll sleep back to basement" I said an he laughs

"it's our responsibility to take care of you, you should be thankful" he said and I look at the nightdress that was in his hands

"that's too sexy, who chose it?"

the door opened, Jimin came to us with a smirk

"it's me babe" he said and I blush even more

"t-this is too sexy..." I stammer

"it suits you (Y/N), it'll make you look super hot" he throws a thumbs up

"is Jimin okay to see me y'know?" I ask to Taehyung and he nods

"it's okay to you right?"

"I don't mind but..."

"where's the (Y/N) with full of Serenity?" he asks with a smile

Jimin widen his eyes as he process his words

"she wasn't shy to you Taehyung?" Taehyung nods

"w-w-what???, how can she?" he stutters but Taehyung cuts him off

"I'll tell you later, anyways I need to help (Y/N) wear her nightdress so if you both don't mind" Taehyung sighs, it seems that he's tired

"sure" I said, Taehyung unwraps the towel gives to Jimin who's jaw dropping

"wow... she's really hot" he whistles and takes the towel, he climbs on the bed and went behind me and dries my hair with it

Taehyung helps me wear the clothes he gave me and I smile at him, the both of them look at my appearance

"so hot" Jimin said and winks at me

"I gotta go." he bows to us and left

"thanks for helping I smile at him and he smiles back

the door closes, I stood up and hug him

"thanks for your help Taehyung" I said and he hugs me back

"anything for you-" he was cupping my cheek but stops from speaking when the door opens again, Namjoon whistles at the scene and Jungkook scoffs

"that's really cute guys, have some time to talk" Namjoon said as the both of them sit on the sofa

"so... about the deal..." I stammer and he pats my head

"I'll make sure to treat you some milk tea this sunday, I'm also taking Yeontan a walk" he said and I look up at him with hope

"really?!" he nods and I hug him tightly

"thank you so much!" I said and he chuckles

"no prob, even if you lost, you were very bold and calm back there, you really taught me how to be calm and be open minded to the consequences I'll be facing" He said and I smiled

"I'm glad" I said

"what's your full name by the way?" I ask

"I'm Kim Taehyung"

"I'm (Y/F/N)"

"anyways, I better go, Namjoon is waiting for you" he said and stares at Namjoon who's placing the novels on the nightstand

"thanks for Helping me" I said once again

"anything for you, my lady" he said and kisses my forehead and leaves the room

I went back to my bed and sit in front of them

"what do you want to talk about?" I ask clearly not giving a damn if it was insulting

"I just wanna make things clear with you."

"go ahead"

"we won't tie you up from now on, but you better behave around this house, if we ever see you escaping from this house, we're not hesitating to send you back to the basement and torture you" Namjoon said adjusting his glasses

... so much for hoping...

"you can go to a store to buy something if I agree, you can also come with us if you want to, but be sure to gain my permission" he stares at me intensely

"you can go to the backyard and to the front yard if you want to, you can watch T.V and play games if you want to, we just want to keep you comfortable, we'll set you free if your father gave us the cash okay?" he said and I only nod

"I don't see him as my father anymore..." I mutter

"anyways, I heard you love novels so I brought my novels here for you to read, these are the books that I recommend, I assure you that it's amazing" Namjoon smiles and stands up

"anyways, I should go, good night (Y/N)" he said and leaves the room, leaving the door open

"goodnight" I mutter

"I want you to stay away from Taehyung" Jungkook said coming to me

"and why would I do that?" I ask coldly

"listen to me!, am I really your boyfriend?" he asks with hope

"not anymore..." I said and stood up

he grabs my hand and hugs me in one swift move

"please... (Y/N)... give me a chance... I'll fix everything..." He sobs

"I can never trust you again Jungkook... after all the pain you gave me?, how could you do that to me?, I love her so much Jungkook, I also love you too, I can never forget your messages that made me happy but seeing you holding that golden gun really scared me" I said and push him gently to break the hug

"I should go." I grab my phone that was on the desk and left