Chapter 10: Fake Colors

Third Person's POV

Jungkook was just looking down at his food and keeps whistling like it wasn't his fault

they look Jungkook with mixed emotions

Yoongi was displeased, Namjoon was dissapointed, Jin was shock, Jimin was worried, Taehyung was confused, Hoseok was processing and (Y/N) was hurt

"why didn't you buy (Y/N)'s breakfast?, didn't I told you to include her?" Yoongi asks

"that was yesterday hyung, I forgot that she was included" he said but all of them didn't buy it

"I'm disappointed at you Kookie" Taehyung said and Namjoon agrees

"did you really forgot her or you just didn't want to buy her breakfast because she hurted you?" Jimin stands up and bangs his fist on the table making Yoongi and Jin flinch

"can't you just let it go Jungkook?!, if she dosen't like you anymore, you still shouldn't do that even if you two fight all the time, she's a girl!, she needs to be respected!" Hoseok shouts at him and stands up as well

"oh crap... Jungkook... you already that Jimin and Hoseok are the scariest when they're angry" Taehyung said and (Y/N) widens her eyes

'Hoseok showed his Anger to them before?' She thinks to herself

"you know what?!, she's just our hostage!, why are you all believing her when I'm your leader!" he said and bang his fits at the table as well and stood up


"I'm done!" Jungkook shouts and went upstairs leaving his breakfast untouched

"sorry about that (Y/N)" Jin said and she shakes her head and smiles

"it's fine..., Actually... I'm not really hungry, I should go to my bed" she said and went back to her bedroom

"this love quarrel crap is giving me a headache..." Yoongi said and massages his temples

"it'll be over soon hyung, just bare with it" Namjoon said

"once we beat (Y/N)'s father, the fortune that they stole will be ours again and save father Sihyuk" Namjoon said

"Jimin." Jin calls him

"yes hyung?" Jimin asks that was in deep thoughts

"give (Y/N) something to eat" Jin said

Jimin was about to pick Jungkook's breakfast and give it to (Y/N), but stops when he saw that Taehyung already ate Jungkook's breakfast

"you brat" Yoongi facepalms and all of them sigh in frustration

"yo (Y/N) is our hostage, but she also needs to eat" Hoseok mutters, Jimin grins and went out to grab something, he came back with a small chair and place it on the ground, he steps on top of it and reaches to a cabinet, Hoseok and Yoongi must admit that it was cute seeing Jimin being the smol bean was trying hard to fix the problem, he grabs a box of cereal and climb back down, all of them widen their eyes and look at each other

"Jimin... Jungkook said that she likes sweets" Taehyung laughs

"I know, I didn't ate my breakfast yet so I'm giving it to her, I'll just have a salty cereal for now since I'm craving for it" Jimin smiles and all of their heart flutters at Jimin's cutness

they went back from eating as Jimin prepares the salty creal on his bowl, once he was done, he puts the foods on a tray and went to her bedroom

he knocks on the door twice and it opened revealing (Y/N) with red puffy eyes


"it's me babe" he winks at her comes in

"stop calling me that, why are you here?" she asks and looks at the tray

"to eat with you duh" he said rolling his eyes

"oh... you guys don't have to feed me, I'm your hostage after all" she said

"that's too polite" Jimin laughs as he heard her stomach growls

(Y/N) blushes and throws her sharp purple cutter at him, he caught it between his fingers, only 5 cm away from his eyes, she groans in pain as she held her wounded hand

"you should be careful even if you have the power" Jimin advices her

"this is going to be a long week..." she mutters and lies down

Yoongi went upstairs and saw that the guest room door was open, he went near the room and saw Jimin and (Y/N) getting ready for breakfast, he smiles and closes the door secretly and keeps on walking to his destination then he stops on walking as he heard a smashing sound on Jungkook's room, not so far from her room, he smirks and walks past the door

"this is really getting interesting..." he said and went to a place that no one knew about

he unlocks the door of the secret room and opens it slightly so no one will see what's inside, he locks it once he came inside and look around the dark room, he looks to the center and saw the brown piano, he went to the piano and sat down, he presses a key and a sound came out softly, He takes his short time and plays the song that his mother likes, his emotion took over him, he was playing the song calmly but it suddenly turned aggressive as he plays the keys harshly, the song stops with a loud bang

it seems that his fist was on the paper sheet

"mom..." he mutters

"I promise we'll take back the things that they stole from us before..." he said and bangs his fist again

(Y/N) 's POV

"here say ah~" Jimin said and I open my mouth again, he scoops the spoon to my mouth

I eat the pancakes and moan in delight, Mcdonalds is the best!, they really know how to make delicious pancakes

Jimin takes a spoonful of his cereal and smiles at me, I don't really eat cereal that much, but I would like to try, Jimin tilts his head as I keep on looking at his cereal

"You want some?" he asks and I nod

"but Jungkook said that you hate salty foods" he said and I agree

"yeah, but it would be nice to eat salty foods sometimes y'know?"

"of course, anyways, here say chu~" he puckers his lips slightly

"chu~" I pucker my lips like what Jimin gestured and I can feel a cold metal was touching my lips, I look at him and widen my eyes as he presses his lips on the spoon to where my lips were attached

"hey stop it!" I laugh at him and smack him who was just laughing with me

"what?, you were so cute that I suddenly had the urge to kiss you, I would really like to kiss you, but I don't want to disrespect you so I wanted an indirect kiss with you, it's okay to you right?" he asks and I nod while smiling at him

"well Taehyung was feeling me up yesterday so I guess you best friends are now even" I said and he widens his eyes

"really?, all he said was that nothing happened between you two" he said and grips the spoon tightly

I place my hand on his and caress it gently

"I don't want you two fighting over something that includes me, it's better that you guys are even" I said and he sighs

"why did he do that?"

"well... we were having a contest and I couldn't said no since the prize was a free milk tea so I had no choice" I mutter and he laughs

"if you really want some milk tea, I can treat you some"

"sure, thank you so much Jimin" I said

we were still eating our food, it was very silent but comfortable, we are facing each other, sharing one food to another, He wanted ro share his spoon with mine and I was surprised that he was the first one to have my first indirect kiss, I didn't really mind tho since I wanted him and Taehyung to be on the same level even if it involve me Romantically, Friendly or Sexually, I didn't want to break their friendship

I also didn't want to disobey and disrespect them since I need to escape here as soon as possible, I need to act friendly to them one by one, I have a feeling that my Father will just fool them making me dead directly, I want to escape and save my mom and my guardians, I want to leave this country and move to another country so I can live peacefully

"can you teach me some of your moves (Y/N)?" he asks with hope in his eyes and I sigh

"sure why not" I said and he smiles at me

"meet me at the backyard when you're done showering" Jimin said

he takes the tray and leaves, once Jimin was gone, Jin opens the door and leans on the wall near the door and grins at me

"do you need help?"