Chapter 12: Video Call

(Y/N)'s POV

I open the convo that we had with Jungkook

"tell us what you guys talk about these past few months" Jimin said, his boner was gone

"from the start?" I ask and they nod

"tell us the best parts that you guys had"

I nod and keep on scrolling up on my phone, minutes passed and I was back at the beginning, it was really old, but gold

Unknown: Hi

Me: Hi

Unknown: Are you new to this app?

Me: Yeah

Unknown: have you chatted with anyone?

Me: of course but none of them were my type

Unknown: that's a bummer...

Me: why would say that?, isn't this your chance?

Unknown: getting cocky now are we?

Me: no, I'm being firm, aren't we guys going to chat one another to date each other?

Unknown: Yeah, but I just wanna be friends with you :)

Me: you're different from the others

Unknown: Everyone is different

Me: I guess you can say that

Unknown: I just wanted to know more about you

Me: why me of all people?

Unknown: well it was because of your profile

Me: oh please!, I'm ugly!

Unknown: why would you say that?

Me: they only chase me because of the fortune that my father have

Unknown: hhmmm... you guys are rich, I'm sure.

Me: yeah, my father is (Y/F's/N)

Unknown: ... O_O

Me: I know.

Unknown: So...

Me: you wanted to get to know more about me so you can have our fortune as well huh?

Unknown: Not Exactly, I'm here to befriend you

Me: you're actually the first one to say that

Unknown: I'm honoured, You're really pretty by the way, prettier than your sister

Me: Thanks :)

Me: you don't have a profile pic

Unknown: I did it in purpose, women will definitely chase me if I put a pic on my profile

Me: you must be a heartthrob then ;)

Unknown: HAHA maybe, I'm just being me

Me: HAHAHA of course :)

Unknown: you can call me 'Bunny' for now

Me: call me (Y/N) for now then

Unknown: cute name :)

I read more and more as the both of them listen more of our convo

I remember the old times that my heart would just jump out from my chest when he send me sweet messages

Bunny: Don't get sick!

Bunny: I'm sorry to your loss :(

Bunny don't get insecure, you're the most amazing person I've ever met

Bunny: about your father...

Bunny: I saw you in the T.V

Bunny: You're cute :)

Bunny: I have a crush on someone

Bunny: I change my mind, I'm in love with someone

Bunny: it dosen't mean that we'll break apart

Bunny: Your father had gone too far!

Bunny: when I meet your sister, I'm going to beat her real good

Bunny: Romance Novels are the best especially when I read our convo ;)

Bunn: Truth or Dare?

Bunny: My family was attacked...

Bunny: It's fine...

Bunny: hush, I'm here for you

Bunny: I care for you okay?

Bunny: you shouldn't neglect the things that you love that easily, I'm sure she'll understand

Bunny: I'm so worked up

Bunny: you're the best (Y/N) :)

Bunny: I miss you :(

Bunny: Good Luck!

Bunny: sshh it's okay, I appreciate it

Bunny: you're beautiful just the way you are

Bunny: I didn'tprotect you just for you to desert me

Bunny: It's okay to be not okay :)

My eyes started to get watery as I remember the old days when we would just enjoy together, but now that I know that he was the one who killed my Aunt, I felt like our convo never existed anymore

I just couldn't bare the thought of losing the love and comfort that he gave me when we were just a chat buddy

Jin and Jimin exchange glances when I start to shudder

"are you okay (Y/N)?" Jin asks and I nod

"it looks like that you had a fight with him before" He said and I agree

"it wasn't that much of a deal, the next thing was a miracle"

"Really?!, tell us!" Jimin pleads excitedly

"let's see..."

I reach down to the confession part

my heart beats fast and I start to read it out loud

Bunny: Hey, I know that we've been chatting for 3 months now, but I would like to ask you something

Me: what is it?

Bunny: can we leave this behind?

Me: what do you mean?

Bunny: can we stop this friendship?

Me: why...?

Me: am I really bad to hang out with? T_T

Bunny: please don't cry!

Me: but you don't like me...

Bunny: of course I don't like you


Bunny: chill please!

Me: I can't, it broke my heart!


Me: Why are you laughing?!

Bunny: you've misunderstood me

Me: Really?

Bunny: It's true that I don't like you

Bunny: I love you.

Me: O///O

Bunny: don't give me that face!

Me: but...

Bunny: I really Love you (Y/N), I fell in love with you, this past 3 months was amazing, you were awesome, funny, sweet, kind, headstrong and cute, you always comfort me when I'm sad, you always play with me when I'm bored, you always cheer for me when I attend a performance or a contest, you accept me for who I am even if I have a bad reputation, you never failed to amaze me, I want this friendship to stop and make this as a relationship

Me: so it was me who you were talking about last month?

Bunny: isn't it obvious?

Me: Haha not really

Bunny: (Y/N)

Me: yes?

Bunny: will you be my Girlfriend?


Bunny: really?!

Me: I love you too pabo!

Bunny: aawww I love you too♡

Jin and Jimin were mostly laughing and squealing all the time

"Jungkook-ah is really romantic" Jin said and Jimin agrees

I scroll down and keep reading, we were now in a relationship, it was very calm and sweet, it can also be steamy as well

we always chat about Artist and Stories, he always tells me scary stories that can make me awake the whole night so we can chat all night, there's also some times that he is stressed and we would fight over small things, there's also some times that he was horny, I would always help him by having a sex text with him to calm him down, but mostly he's always happy with me, it was really weird that we always chat but never did a video call or just have a call, he said that he'll reveal himself to me when he is ready

I reach to his last message and frown

Bunny: I hope that you won't get mad at me when something bad happens to us

Bunny: I'll tell you my name when we meet someday

Bunny: Haha of course :)

Bunny: I love you no matter what.

"this is so tragic" Jimin dramatically sobs

"I can't believe it lead to this" Jin sobs fakely as well

I giggle and splash some water on them

"shut up you guys, you're making me worse" I said and Jimin said something that widen my eyes

"you should have a video call with him right now"

"I can't do that" I glare at Jimin

"It's best to have a video call with him right now (Y/N), you might know where he went out" Jin said

"what if he's drinking because of me?"

"Psh, Jungkook dosen't like to drink beer" Jin said and Jimin agrees

"but people can still try new things" I said and look at the video call Icon

should I call him?

I place my phone in front of me at the counter near the tub

without thinking twice, my finger pressed the video call button, 20 seconds passed, he finally accepts it

my eyes went wide as the screen shows a view of Jungkook who was shirtless and wet

he was at a swimming pool!

he was very muscular and his abs was very solid, he was opening his mouth slightly showing his bunny teeth, his hair was slick and his body was still dripping wet, he looks at me with dull and clouded eyes

"w-what?" I ask as I feel my body shaking for some reason

the stare was really killing me, the looks in his eyes was a mystery to me, why is he staring at me like that?

"why are you calling me?" He asks with a hoarse and low voice, he's really killing me with that sexy appearance

"I-I don't know..." I mutter and sink down the tub from shyness

"sit back up" He demands and I obey him since I don't want to disobey them

he smirks at me with those hungry stare.

"y'know... it's bad calling me when you're naked, your boobs are very clear under the water, and you're calling me after the quarrel?,why did you call me?, we shou-" I stop him from saying next as I look at him with teary eyes

the words couldn't spill out from my mouth because my ego got the best of me

he was about to press the X button but stops when I mutter his name with sorrow and relief

I decided to just leave everything behind for now, I just couldn't live without his Love and Comfort since he was the only person that I have

"I'm glad you're okay..., I thought you went out to drink because of me... I..., I'm worried about you..." I admit and sob while looking down

"look at me."

I look up at him on the screen, he dries his thumb and wipes the camera like he was wiping my tears and stares at me with mixed emotions

"I'm glad about that, I'm sorry that I was very mean to you earlier, I-" I stop him from saying next

"it's fine... I'm used to it already so..." I said, I widen my eyes as the ego eat me, I remember that if I get closer to him, something bad will definitely happen that can affect my plan on escaping

I suddenly press the X button and lean back as I look at Jin and Jimin

"it seems that something is bothering you" Jin said and I smile

"it's nothing..."

"I'm used to it already."