OUR ALMOST "One shot"

Rhiyane POV..

hello everyone I'm Rhiyane Quilz Voyrage

you can call me Rhine or yan- yan ...

I have a story a true to life story,

lets start at the day were I treasure even today.Back then I was a senior high student...


~Bell ringing ~

Rhiyane POV.

Arrrrhhhghhh!!! stop already! stupid alarm clock !

why is the clock so irritating, why do i even use it ??

Oh yeah I almost forgot cause it's because I'm in love with my freaking bed, I thought while convincing my body to roll over and stand up..

after 10 minutes or so I manage to convince my body to roll over.

I went up drowsily from my bed that has a BTS design with it... I'm very close at graduation now , so i can't let my freaking grades ruin my f*ck'in future. Once I finish high school I'll head straight to collage then find a freaking job to who knows where...

~ Timeskip~

After doing my morning rituals I got ready to leave the house, then I head straight towards my car a Chevrolet Aveo, my fathers birthday gift to me last month. i looked at the mirror inside my car and saw my dark brown hair that is tide up in a messy bun , pale skin , red plump lips , and hazel brown eyes.

I drove the car and stopped at the parking area of the school, I stepped out of the car and walked toward the hallway to my classroom, I saw my boyfriend walking to the hallway with my BESTFRIEND holding each others hand while laughing, they look so sweet to each other and sometimes too sweet that some people that see them together thinks of them as a couple , I honestly don't mind much since I trust both of them but at the past couple of months they've been hanging out too often than friends should and I'm not stupid to not suspect nothings going on with the two of them , but I still trusted my best friend.

I hid behind a pillar not too far away from them and the classroom they stopped at the front of our classroom and they-they they I felt the sides of my eyes burn and a tear fell from mg eyes to my cheeks and i ran as fast as my legs could take , I cried and cried not caring were my feet are taking me... I just realize that I'm now at the back of our school where many trees can be seen, I sat behind a tree and let my tears flow freely. I hiccup because of too much crying, I remembered what i saw again the reason why I'm crying now It's because they kissed.I Know somethings are going on and our relationship is having some bumps along the way and that it will not be too long till we break up.


So many questions are running through my mind. why did my boyfriend Jhanz and my bestfriend lily kissed each other and how long have they been doing this behind my back, is this why jhanz wants to talk about our relationship this afternoon so that we could break- up?!!

I heard footsteps someone , someone is walking towards me but, I'm too lazy or maybe tired to look up and see who it is...

Hey ! can you stop crying now ?

my eyes widen and looked at the man that stood firmly on the ground its Matt

Mathex Jolve Vhaltazar he is my best of the best friends before he moved out of the country and came back this year..

he looked at me with pity

Oh those green bright eyes, his brown hair and heart shaped lips, his frowning face , i could already tell that his irritated , maybe because this is he place were we would always go when were cutting classes before , those were fun memorize.

Uhhhmmm , sorry Matt did I disturb you ?

sorry again, I stood up quickly I guess too quickly that I stumbled , I closed my eyes because I can't regain balance but, before i could hit the ground matt pulled me up, but because of the pressure

I hit my head in his chest, he sighted .. A pretty deep sight I might add ,

Are you okey now ? he asked

yeah , I'm fine I said and faked a smile , I started walking away , but he held my wrist and

said don't say you're fine when obviously your not, Rhine he said

Matt I-i

he cut my sentence off by placing his index finger to my lips

Don't say anything, I know your tired he smiled slightly

wanna go to the canteen ? my treat . Matt said

I don't think that's a good idea ,I promised Jhanz that we would talk this afternoon .. I said

You still want to see them after, what they did ? Matt asked while grinning

My eyes widen in surprise because he knows something about my life, after all he didn't want to talk to me before after he left in the country he blocked me off the social media and in his life too.

I sighted and looked up at him.

YES ! I said answering his question

and you Don't need to worry because I wont cry anymore and for your information I don't need your pity or anybodies pity..

Hahaha he laughed suddenly

I looked at him confuse written all over my face.

that's more like the Rhine I know before...

You don't need a b*tch and an assh*le with you they don't deserve your tears at all.

I nodded .. they're at the gym now wanna go? Matt asked with a smile

You bet I answered and smiled genuinely this time

if only he didn't left maybe --- i sighted . no need to worry about our fucked up decision anymore we were young and up until now we still are...

~time skip~

I entered the gym with Matt and i walked towards Jhanz and lily they are both kissing , I faked a cough and got they're attention before they could talk i gave jhanz a super uppercut and slapped lily twice on both cheecks of course.

I smirked :WE ARE OVER JHANZ BE WITH YOUR B*TCH!!! I yelled and everyone started whispering and murmuring spreading news across the school...


I saw another letter outside it happens frequently it started when matthex left i always leave them on the jar for decoration.

I saw matt and walked towards him

HEY MATT! I wanna talk with you I said with a smile

He waved at me and said we could talk while sitting in one of the bench at the park near our school so this is awkward I said

You know what I like yo before the kind of liking that I want you more than a friend. he said.

I smiled we'll were both young and it's probably attraction we we're both high school students before after all. I said

But when you Left why did you block me out, you didn't even said goodbye at me and I couldn't reach your phone . I said while looking up of the sky with it's white clouds and blue sky.

It was an emergency and we needed to fly to U.S and the reason why I blocked you is because I want those feeling that I had bottled up to go off and for me to be more focus in life. he answered.

I wish we talked about this things earlier . I said

Yeah, I'm gonna return to U.S if thing doesn't go easy . he said

I lowered my head and after a few moments of silence I heared my phone ringing and saw it was a message.

sorry matt i have to go to my apartment now something came up. I said and hurriedly ran and parked a Taxi.

~ The next day~

Matt and I startectalking to each other more often now and our past has been disccusted and we learned from our mistakes, we also talked about how we have been after being apart for so long it's really refreshing to be close to him again. he's been one of the most important person in my life.


Matt ! i yelled as I saw him resting on a tree . matt !! is it true your leaving again tommorow ?? is it really final? yeah i forgot to tell you sorry rhine i cant stay my parents are sick i need to take over the company .

when will you be back ? no idea rhine .

I felt like crying but i didn't not like what i did before .

instead i smiled this time and looked straight at him goodluck then , i started walking away and he didn't stopped me.


this is it he'll be gone Again

i ran outside and stopped a taxi and told the driver where the airline and gave my pay ...

i stepped out and run towards the entrance , i saw him almost going.

Matt wait !!! he stopped

I -matt i stopped because he talked

i thought your not gonna see me off anymore because you said good luck already ?

yeah but i didn't say goodbye yet

matt I l- before i could say anything he kissed the top of my head and whispered

I love you Rhiyane Quilz Voyralge the feelings that i wanted to forget while in U.S they didn't disappear.

i felt a tear left my eyes.

I love you too Mathex Jolve Vhaltazar but I only love you as a best friend and brother . I said while sobbing softly..

then we looked at each other ..

I smiled and said: Goodbye matt i wish we could see each other again in the future , but for now, be strong, move on and always remember that there is someone out their that deserves your affection and a girl that will accept it wholeheartedly, because from now on I'll be part of your past and You'll be part of my past...

the end