The two envoy would reach the inner gates once again halted by Seven Imperial Guards with their silver armor and their closed helmet. The Captain of the inner Guards would stand infront of the two envoy while they halt their throt the horse would give an disturbing noise the Guards would grip their sword handle while looking to the two envoy.

"HAND OVER THE MESSAGE AND YOU MAY LEAVE THE CAPITAL" The Imperial Guard Captain said with his intimidating voice and his 6 Guards behind him.The Telonian Envoy would get off his horse as he sway his yellow cloak and walk towards the Imperial Guard Captain he hand the message with the seal of the Telonian High Council. "Here is the message and also You must deliver it quickly as possible." the Imperial guard would chuckle as if the king cares with a punny little empire like Telonia. While the Rainhorned Envoy would smirk as he get off his black horse. "Here is the message from our Black Council of Dragons we expect the reply to be as soon." with this kind of gesture the knights would shout at him saying.

"YOU LAUGHABLE ENVOY THINKING THIS MESSAGE WILL TAKE DOWN OUR MIGHTY EMPIRE!". The envoy turn around and hop on his Black horse as he then throt it back to the outer gate.

The Imperial Guard Captain would give the sign to the gate opener to let him through. The gate opener would push the wheel so the gate would open the noose of the metal would be heard. The gate would be open and the Guard captain would see a black cloak with red dash on it. In the the Guard Captain mind. "Why would the head Minister would be hurriedly". The Head Minister of the King walker faster to the Guard Captain.The Guard Captain would bow as he hands over the letters of the envoys. The Head Minister would grab it swiftly from his hands and turn around hurriedly again going inside the throne room. Entering the throne room a long hall with banners of old kingdoms and Empires that has fallen from grave and collapsed because of the might of Leikania. The step of the Minister would echo inside the throne room once he grts closer to the throne he would see the Horned King himself. A bearded man his eyes was black as the dim of darkness and his muscular body and his two mistress on the floor touching the King. The Head Minister would Kneel infront of the King. The king would smile and order the Minister to rise and asks what is he grabbing from his hands the Minister explains. The Horned king would smile his teeth would show the sharp teeth of the Horned king. "Alliance of the Three Empires for the great subjugation of the Grand Kingdoms." The King said with his strong deep voice. The Headminister shaking while looking at the Horned King. "My King what is your Command and also the Grand Opening of the Two Most famous Academies in our land opening. Tomorrow my King" The horned would ignore the last part of the Minister said and rather play with his Mistresses.

"Mobilise half of Leikania Army and make the Bankrei Head it as the Head Primarch Commander." The HeadMinister would then Bow and leave the throne room. He then heads to the Council Room of the Ministers and summon the HeadMinister of War and HeadMinister of Finance." Ministers please sit". The Head Minister said as the two Ministet sit. The HeadMinister discussed the mobilisation of half of the Leikania army and how can it affect the status of Leikania economy while it is growing. The Head Minister of Finance would reply "My Lord Head Minister the Economy is booming we can spare few mobilisation for the army it wont affect anything or hurt much for our growing economy. We control the market Lord HeadMinister." The HeadMinister would sigh and look at the Head Minister of war. "Who is the Bankrei Family Head Minister for War. He is the Lord Head Commander of the Western High Castle Garrison Lord Minister. As the Bankrei Family is Known as one of the best War Famillies that fuel prodigies like the other famillies in the Empire." The Head Minister of War would look at the HeadMinister as the HeadMinister replied." I see because the King wants the Lord Bankrei to Lead the Half Army he wants to mobilised" The HeadMinister is not shocked he know the credentials of Lord Bankrei. After their meeting has been assessed the HeadMinister would now summon the HeadMaster and the Vice Head Master of the two Great Academies. The ReinHart Institute Academy and The Lionhart Institute Academy.The Head Minister would open the door to his office the HeadMasters and Mistress would sit opposite sides while the HeadMaster is at the middle. "We all know that ReinHart and LionHart are both prestigous school.The kings wants to produce Military Leaders for the Empire not cowards.

We know that both Academy are just a stepping stone for the Grand Military Academy of Leikana. The Grand academy will be taking 50 students from each academy for the next 2 and half years.And If you cant produce Military Officers the Academy will succumb under the other Academy." The HeadMinister would smirk as he looked from both sides the faces of the Headmaster and Mistress are very strong." Well then this meeting is done" both sides would stand and salute to the Head Minister and then the both side would leave the room. Then a few Minustes the HeadMinister would receive a urgent letter the Western Garrison has been attacked by barbarians. The Head Minister would quickly run to the throne room he saw the King still playing with his 2 Mistresses. "What is it Minister" The Minister replied scared and nervous"T--he We-stern Garrisob has been attacked".as the Minister finnishes tobspeak the king would order the minister quivkly like a real king who tend to destroy his enemies. "Send the 12th Army of the Leikanian army" The Minister would run and send a letter to the 12th Commander.