2 days after we reach the the Left side of the front lines and meet the Lt.Colonel that is in-charge of the tactics and directives. It was not in a good feeling that we reach here. We saw the Field Hospital it was field with wounded soldiers, Some of my soldiers felt a uneasy feeling, but still we are also soldiers we are destined to fight for the Empire.It was not as good as we expected to be. Looking into the every day skirmishes by the both sides.I am just waiting for an order to sneak into the Telonian camp and thinking of a great way to move them back. So that the Left Side could advance and we can attack the RainHorned Empire. It was good training that we had few skirmishes with Telonian spear-men that are trying to provoke us in the plains. Its was very interesting that we can out maneuver them easily and also making fun of them. As they always take the bait like a hungry wolf chasing a rabbit that is, they are soldiers for honor but we, We are the soldiers of the Empire. But this past few hours their tactics have change, did they notice my tactics or maybe the enemy commander notice the traps I made for them. Even though its not easy to fight in this huge war. It has not been in a comfortable feeling. And also I have few soldiers that are homesick.

Percival would wake up from his sleep and would stand up its not as good as when he was in the Academy because of the constant shouting and movements outside of his tent .He would then get a towel and would get the bucket of water near his bed. He would wash his face with water and soap after that he would wipe his face with his towel. Afterwards he then look into the papers that was sent to him by Helga he fancy it he never knew Helga was a good cheeky girl. After a few momentsa after he read the letter given to him. He wants to test his arms so he stretch his arms up and yawn. He would drop onto the ground and do some push up.After a few minutes his Sergeant would get his attention "Sir status report we are going to be a support cavalry to Lieutenant Alvarez.He is the SHARPTEETH Cavalry Officer that is going to attack the Telonian camp nearby." I have already assemble the 30 RedCloaks prepared to be deployed Sir." Percival would looked to the sergeant with a confident look.Percival would reply "I see Ill get into uniform then we will move and follow the Lieutenant. " Percival would stand up and start to wipe his body with the towel. He would wear his Armor and get his saber. "Okay I am done and Lets prepare to move to the battlefield Sergeant" The sergeant would reply "YES,SIR" with a proud voice.Percival would walk to his horse rudolf. After reaching his horse he would ride the horse and raise his saber to signal the gate guard to open it. The cavalry would start to advance when they passed the gate they would throt the horse to go faster. They reach the Left side Camp they saw Lieutenant talking with the other company officers. Percival would salute as the Lieutenant notice him. "As reported Lt." the Lt would salute. "Company officer Percival I have heard that you are well experience in the cavalry." The Lieutenant would laugh and smile to Percival. Percival would reply"I am not that kind of experienced in this type sir" the Lieutenant reply "I see well then your company will bring glory to us in our expidition later" The Lieutenant would turn around and head to his tent. Percival would signal the flag beared to lay camp for now. Percival would go down from his horse and head to the Lieutenant tent he opened the thick curtain of the tent. Percival saw the Lieutenant was talking to his sergeant which is a girl. The Lieutenant would notice Percival and go back to his officer look and looked at Percival. "So hie can I help you Percival" Percival replied. "what time are we going to depart sir." The Lieutenant replied "When the sun goes down we are go to travel to the Telonian camp". Percival would nod and leave the tent. When the sun goes down the cavalrymen would start to put their armors and grab their weapons. 120 cavalry men in total for the upcoming battle their target is a small yelonian camp near the cenyral plains. That camp is used to observe the movements of the central command manuevers. "ALRIGHT MEN PREPARE YOURSELVES WE ARE MOVING OUT MOUNT UP AND LETS MOVE!" The Lieutenant said with his rough voice. The group wpuld start to move Percival and his men would be at the rear to protect for an ambush. After 3 hours of traveling the cavalry would reach their destination. They saw the camp is having fun and some are drinking well yhe Telonian camp didn't expect because of the recent battle. The cavalry would put down their face armor they would unsheath their sword and would prepare for the attack Percival men would be at the right side they would wear their RedCloaks as the fear for other soldiers. In a single shout the cavalry would charge. "FOR THE EMPIRE CHARGE!" the Lieutenant said the telonian camp was suprised and they panic in dissaray the cavalry would give them terror. Their tents were burned, the shouts of "Help!!" and "Have mercy!!" would be heard across the camp.

Percival troops would slice each telonian soldiers without mercy. The telonian soldiers cant fight because of the fear that fell upon them some of them would run but quickly beimg slain by some cavalrymen. When the sun rises to the sky the massacre would be seen bodies laying on the ground blood and a foul smell. Some platoons would cut the enemy soldiers head and put it on the spear. The food that they scavenge have been burned they are no use back to camp. Some money are collected from the dead bodies some get some fine ring or necklace. After that the cavalry would go back to the left side camp.