The Famillies

In Leikania there are 7 well-known families that are without order


Maximillian Noble Family are known for their tactics in the battlefield using cavalry units of the last Empire reunification war. they are best suited in riding horses that's why most Maximillian is Cavalry Officers.


De Legaya Noble Family they are known with their use of their rapier swords they are unbeatable and long-standing winners in rapier fights both speed and strike are their most powerful. They are known for the battle of Seliya when the newly founded Empire is facing threats to the eastern empire Custodia.


Alcheim Noble Family the use of Bow and arrow are their weapon mostly they are the best marksman family in Leikania they are unbeatable in the range competition. They use swift and accuracy as their main choice. They are known for the Unification war.


Habarld Noble Family the use of polearm especially long melee weapon they are the lancers and spearman able to strike in any combat situation they are not adaptable in some terrain but they deal damage to cavalry and normal knight soldiers. The Habarld Family is known at the battle of Seliya.


Tarayuma Noble Family they master the katana sword. They are the most accurate and very unknown to the most families they have a hidden technique only the family knows what is it. They are known at the Seliya battle


Ronaldgraldron Noble Family they are the master in training soldiers in any specific kinds of weapons mostly this is the instructor family that's why most of the Ronaldgraldron family members works at the Royal Imperial Military Academy of Leilani.


Bankrei Noble Family they are the master tactician in every battlefield most adaptable officer from all of the families but the problem in Bankrei family they are the most limited the family count of the Bankrei family is 15 members all. They are known at the Battle of Seliya and Unification war and the Western Invasion War.
