I hate my birthday

"happy birthday my dear jaanu love you my dear " .thanks mom were is dad. "his on the way my dear don't feel sad ok he will come very fast to see his princess".mom i hear some sounds outside i think it's dad. "hoo my dear princess happy birthday to my cute little lady sorry for the late wishes don't punish your daddy for this ok". no daddy you came for me that's enough to me. "ho my little daughter growing give me a kiss to daddy". daddy where is my gift. "first we can eat dinner and then we can go out for shopping i will buy what you want ok". dear come here daddy is tired now,honey go take your bath and come for dinner . after 15min, "honey ur mobile is ringing".hello who is this,hello mam we are from Malaysia airlines it's an urgent the important flight will take off in 10min only krish can take a charge as pilot."honey its an urgent call from your job".ok I'm going for my work take care ".daddy don't go its my birthday you don't have a time to spend with me i feel sad. "oh my dear princess its an urgent call your daddy is a great pilot right your daddy is going to save people ok i will come very fast after I finish my work and I bring lots of gifts for my jaanu it's my promise ok dear don't bother your mother say bye to dad and my kiss".yes my daddy is a hero bye dad come fast your princess is waiting.jaanu suddenly wakes up, I think that's my last i saw my dad after that day I never listen anything about that flight and dad when I'm growing people are saying that my dads plane went missing and the people's in that plane never came too this incident happens when I'm seven years old from that day to now i never celebrated my birthday because I hate it the most thing I hate is i don't want to celebrate that day without my dad.