Chapter 3

Jimin smiled fondly as he glanced at the fallen flower head he picked up from the area near the school grounds,admiring its magnificent beauty as he always had a thing for nature like his aunt did.Especially when it comes to flowers.He always wondered how is it possible for such beauty to exist so naturally and perfectly in its own form as God has a beautiful artistic taste of his own.

Humming happily,he blew the fragile pollen petals from the bud as it dazzled and driffled into the wind, carying it where faith took it with care as its small petals clutches the air so tightly as if it's welcoming a seasonal dance of comfort.It was exactly like how his father took care of him before he was gone.A confusing journey with a blissful start but with an unknown end.

The young omega was now sitting under a maple tree in the school gardens,alone with his knees curled up to his chest,deep in thought as he knew that class is going to start in ten minutes but yet he was so lost and alone,like lost puppy,unsure where to go, hoping that someone would help him.

Unsure what to do right now,he just sat there,wrapping his arms around himself,rocking,as he knew he had to do something.He would by all means ask a random person for directions,but it was just too complicated for him as he wasn't really good with socializing with people he doesn't know since he suffered from moderate social anxiety.His voice would be all stuttery anyways as he feared that nobody would understand him and brush him off.

Fondling with his blonde hair,he was soon snapped into reality as he let out a squeak and jolted he felt a light tap on his shoulder from behind.

Rotating his head backwards,he was soon greeted by a tall brown haired male.

"I'm..h-hi," he mentally cursed as his words got all jumbled up,hesitating to lock eyes with the other male but went for it anyways.

"What cha doing here?Class starts in 5 minutes,"he replied with a bright boxy grin that he found adorable.

"F-five minutes?!?" He exclaimed,panic rising in his vessels.

"Yup!Five minutes!,"The brown haired boy glanced at his reaction

He soon raised a brow ,"Wait a minute, don't tell me you're skipping class on the first day?"he crossed his arms and have a imitating stare.

"W-what of course not!I-I'm just new here and I don't now which class I should go to,"he answered truthfully quickly,eyes widening.

The standing male's facial expression soon returned to the same boxy grin that it once wore,"Well why don't ya say so buddy!Lemme help you!" He extended his hand to the blonde, helping the small male up from the ground.

"Now where is that timetable of yours" Jimin instantly fished out a piece of paper from his bag and handed it to the other.

The other male's eyes rolled over the slight folded piece of  paper as his facial expression lit up more!

"Hey we're in the same class!"He eyed the latter.

With an excited expression,he handed his hand to him for a shake."My name's Kim Taehyung but you can call me taetae!What's yours ?" He jumped gleefully.

Jimin couldn't help but supress a small smile ,"Mine's Park Jimin,"he replied shyly and softly.Soon Relaxing in the others company.

"Thats a cute name.C'mon Jimnie, we're late and I'll show you around the school later,"He intertwined his fingers with the omega and rushed to the second floor.

'Jiminie' He pondered.That's what his father used to call him.Unconsciously a wider smile soon crept on his face like he was smiling like an idiot,it felt so nice to be called like that again.Deep down,he knew that he was going to like this Taehyung kid.