
Until the End

"A-Alinea, your tent is ready,"Horgall said, indicating the sole tent in the camp.

"You should change or you'd catch a cold," Midas reminded her, noting her soaked clothing.

Tonight, like every night before they go to battle, Alinea went to the lake to cleanse. She had to submerge in the water for as long as she could as she cleared her mind. With this, the blood of Perun flowing in her veins would amplify, giving her more power.

A grateful smile stretched Alinea's lips. Her warriors truly treasured her. Saying her thanks, she said good night to the others and went inside the tent where she had quickly changed her clothes.

Unbeknownst to the others, she had been feeling a little chilly and anxious today. According to the ancient map, tomorrow, they would reach the Devil's Cavern, situated at the stretch of rocky mountains at the edge of the forest. Because of the known dangers caused by beasts and terrifying monsters living near the cave, nobody dared to go there despite the rumors that the cavern housed the artifact left by Kronos.

But alas, the fear of rulers from being usurped by an unknown power was so great, that each nation sent groups to retrieve the artifact in secret over the century, but none ever succeeded. The most notable raid team was one from five decades past. It was the most formidable team consisting of ten SS rank warriors, high skilled super soldiers, plus two demigods, one was the descendant of Kresnik, and the crown prince of Kres, and the other the descendant of Stribog, the god of winds, sky and air.

Unfortunately, even with all those powerful individuals in the group, they were still wiped out. None of them returned. It was as if all of them vanished in thin air. Because of that, Kres' second prince, the current Flame Emperor's grandfather took the crown.

Thinking about the Flame Emperor, Alinea wondered if her fiancé already knew her circumstance. Knowing how much he doted on her, even if she didn't feel the same, he would come running after her. But alas! Her brother was so smart to make her leave for the quest immediately.


Alinea couldn't do anything but sigh in frustration. Even if they were borne from different mothers, she had always been loyal to him – the happiest for him when he took over the crown. She was even protective of him to the extent that she volunteered to lead the troops in his stead.

But she couldn't really pretend her brother felt the same – not after she suddenly used lightning during the battle. She was aware of how wary of her powers Alistair was. The moment she first commanded the lightning, she had lost her sibling.

There was no helping it. She was the one blessed by Perun. Normally, only those with Perun's power could be the ruler or Ritz. As long as she existed, no one in the kingdom would view her brother as the true king. She had to die.

It's painful. It's unfair.

Even though she had somewhat resigned to her fate, something deep within her still felt so wronged, so hurt with the injustice.

Alinea, because she was loved and adored by her people, her brother sentenced her to death.

"Brother…" she whispered her sadness as she closed her eyes to sleep.

Hours passed, and dawn came. All members of the group had risen and prepared for the day's journey. Unlike the other days however when they still managed to have small talks, they were all quiet.

Alinea sighed as she watched her warriors pack up, and rode their horses in silence. She knew the reason for this. They would reach the end of the forest soon, and danger would increase.

"We're here," Sven announced as he unmounted. The horse shied away, obviously nervous, and the other mounts did the same. They could sense malice and danger and they wanted to bolt.

"I think it's best if we leave our horses here," Alinea advised, and everyone agreed.

It would add to their burden if they brought their terrified mounts along. Instead of tying the animal up, however, Alinea set hers free.

With a sad smile, she gave her horse one last affectionate pat before making it run back towards the forest, and she watched as it disappeared. It had served her well.

"Goodbye," she murmured as she turned to the others but was surprised when she realized they too had set their horses free.

"You lot…"

She was flabbergasted, but the warriors all had determined expressions on their faces.

"We will be with you until the end," they declared, and for the first time, Alinea's eyes turned hot with tears. She bit her lip as she ran to them for a group hug.

"Oh, you…"

She tried to scold them, but the men were adamant to stay and fight the last battle with her.

It took almost an hour for Alinea to return to her senses. Lucius', Sven's, Midas', Horgall's, and Rubic's eyes were suspiciously red and moist as well.

Contrasting to their grim and somber expressions earlier in the morning, all of them now wore a grin on their faces as they wiped the tears from their eyes.

Until the end. They would all fight together until the end.

After some time, they all returned to matters at hand.

"Gene – Alinea," Rubic stuttered his error. He had nearly called Alinea by her title again. "Lucius and I will check the perimeters."

"Okay," Alinea assented. These two were her group's scout. They had to check the place first to see imminent dangers lurking.

Even if they already knew they would die in this mission, they would at least strive to complete it. Or at least find out things and leave behind clues for the next unfortunate group who would be sentenced to come here.