

Gay marriage…

"What nonsense are you spouting about?"

That wasn't a nice joke, alright?

"What? I'm just stating a fact. The seer specifically said your mate should be the child of the Suzuki couple. If Ara-chan dies, you'd have to make do with the brother," Gin bluffed, enjoying the chance to bully this cold prince.

"Oh, shut up," Ryuu snorted as he drank in his cup.

He's already used to Gin's baloney, growing up with him. Also, not everything Gin said was rubbish. Regardless of how much he detested that thought of being with that promiscuous woman, it was true that Ara's a vital existence for their clan.

"Looks like you're finally coming around?" Gin queried, his face splitting into a knowing grin.

Homura Ryuu sighed audibly. Defeat was written on his handsome face.

"Do I have a choice?" he countered sarcastically.

Frankly, from the beginning, he didn't have any. To say that the fate of mankind was in his hands with this marriage was not an overstatement. It's how important the matter of his union with that Suzuki woman was.

"She's still at the hospital. Do you want to go visit?" Gin asked. He reckoned he'd give his best buddy some assistance.

"What for?" Ryuu grumbled.

"I thought you'd want to take this opportunity to remind the Suzukis about your engagement?"

Silence hung between them for a while, and then Gin sighed. The Koutaishidenka's a lost case – not that he'd blame him. With women throwing themselves at his feet left and right, he could understand his grudge at the fact he had to end up with the least desirable female out there.

"There's no rush. That woman's graduating soon right?" Ryuu said finally after pondering for a while.

"She will be graduating in a couple of months' time," Gin answered. "Though I'm not sure if Suzuki Aki would let her go back to school after the incident."

Being reminded by Ara's shenanigans, Ryuu looked displeased once more. "If Aki was smart, he should have locked her up in the first place."

Tut Tut, the arctic prince's pushing the blame again.

"Or her fiancé should have declared his presence earlier so she'd have toned down a little – or caused no trouble at all."

"Are you by any chance saying it's my fault?"

"Yes," Gin answered uninhibitedly. "If you showed up in her life earlier she'd have been behaved – in fact…"

Gin frowned as he realized something. "Come to think of it, she wasn't so bad three years ago."

Three years ago was before Suzuki Ara entered senior high school and started her 'tyranny'. In fact, he also remembered a certain someone secretly came to see her in person back then. He even thought for a while that Ryuu would announce his engagement soon, although they had to postpone it because the Suzuki couple died in an accident.

Ah…That's right.

Kazehaya Gin looked at his friend suspiciously. Ryuu's attitude towards his fiancée just changed when she started running after that boy in year two.

"Koutaishidenka…aren't you just jealous?" Gin asked and Ryuu's face turned murderous that he bit his tongue.

Aya, Aya, he's really jealous…

In the end, Gin finally stopped teasing Ryuu. He actually looked at him in a new light. The  Koutaishidenka wasn't as cold and as indifferent towards his fiancée as he appeared to be. He must just be frustrated at what his girl had been doing in the past years. He wondered if he could do something to fix it.

Near midnight, young master Kazehaya excused himself and went back home in a good mood. He was even whistling as he entered his house. Unlike the Homura house, the Kazehaya house was a western-styled one.

"Young Master seems happy," the steward commented with a smile upon noting his mood.

"Yep!"Gin answered. "I'm going to be Cupid."

"Cupid?" The servant was dumbfounded. "Young Master will attend a costume party?"

Gin shook his head. "I'm going to be the Koutaishidenka's love messenger," he announced making the steward drop his jaw in shock.

The Homura Prince's love messenger? Did he need one?

"Eh?" The steward thought he heard wrong. He scurried after his young master who was still whistling as he went towards his bedroom.

"Fuji," Gin called, and the steward became alert.

"Yes, Young Master?"

"Tomorrow morning, I want you to send a huge bouquet of camellias to St. Lukes International Hospital in Akashi," Gin ordered.

"If it's for romance, Young Master, shouldn't you send roses instead?" the steward inquired and Gin shook his head again.

"Tsk, Fuji, roses are so overrated," the young master said. "Camellias mean 'my destiny is in your hands' in the language of flowers, didn't you know?"

The stewards shook his head. He did not.

"White camellia should be given to someone you like, the pink camellia is for someone you miss, and red camellia is best for a significant other," Gin continued.

"Since she's Kotaishidenka's wife, make sure to give her red ones – ah and send it under Homura's name," he added before entering his room, leaving the stupefied butler outside.

Tomorrow, Kazehaya Gin would go on a mission. He already decided to check up on one little princess to see and gauge her himself.