
Strong Men Cry

After a while that seemed like a lifetime, the young President of the Suzuki Raiden Group had finally calmed down, although he still looked dejected. His eyes and nose were swollen, his handsome face flushed from weeping earlier. In his anguish, he had forgotten where he was or who he was with. All he ever thought about was how pathetic and selfish he had been.

Not to mention, blind.

Because of his pride – his own selfish desire to prove to everyone that he could wear the shoes his father vacated when he suddenly died, he had failed at his most important job. It had been chaotic at that time when they were orphaned. His greedy relatives all jumped into the chance to take him and Ara under their wing, but their intention was to bleed them dry of their inheritance.

So, of course, he refused. He stubbornly took over and worked himself to the bone to show them he could do it – and he succeeded, not realizing Ara had been having a totally hard time by herself.

"Mr. Homura," Aki called softly after a while. But when the prince frowned, he cleared his throat and used his name. "I mean Ryuu, what do you plan to do?"

The frown that marred the prince's brow suddenly disappeared, pleased with his use of his name.

"I have all the intention to marry Ara, of course," he answered, this time omitting the title 'miss' when he addressed his fiancée.

Kazehaya who had been worried about Aki's stance earlier was now totally confident that the other wouldn't hinder the union. But, something told him that there's still some hesitation on his part as if he's still unsettled.

"Is there any other problem President?"

Aki paused for a while before divulging what troubled him. "It's not a problem per se…"


"But is it possible for me to ask a favor?"

It was Kazehaya's turn to be confused now. "If it's about business – "

"No, not a business." Aki shook his head. They had already received so much. There was no way he'd ask for more.

"What does elder brother have in mind?"Ryuu asked softly. He had no problems giving everything Suzuki Aki wanted as long as he wouldn't cancel the engagement.

"Could… could you give Ara time to get used to the idea?" Aki requested. When the others looked confused, he immediately explained himself.

"You already know that my sister has been through a lot. I know it's partially my fault things happened. But, she's…"Aki carefully thought out his words. He didn't want to offend the prince.

"I will tell her about the engagement, but could you postpone the wedding until she's ready? Or more used to the idea? I don't want to give her something heavy to think about for now. After all, marriage is such a big step, and I believe she's still too young."

Suzuki Ara's eighteen. With his approval, she could legally be married to the Koutashidenka already. But eighteen was too young since the average age of Japanese women getting married this day and age was closer to thirty years old.

"She'll finish high school soon, but she didn't really have a good time. There's still the issue with that girl who tried to kill her and her reputation at school, so…" Aki swallowed, hoping he could convince the other. "So I hope you could give her time to just be herself."

There was a momentary silence as both Suzuki and Kazehaya waited for Ryuu's answer.

As for Kazehaya, he thought the request was not bad – and that it made sense. Only someone who truly cared for Ara would request something like that. Knowing her circumstance, she deserved to have fun before settling down. After all, being the Homura House's lady was one tough job. Besides, Suzuki Aki was right, they're still young – and there's no rush being married anyway, as long as they'd be married in the end.

But he couldn't say anything. It was all up to the Koutaishidenka. He was not sure the prince would compromise for he didn't know how to since he never had to, in all his life.

"I have one condition," Ryuu said after a while, and the other two were surprised that he was willing to negotiate.

"Anything," Aki promised.

"I will be a constant figure in her life from now on. You will not prevent me from seeing her. We will go out, eat out if possible, go to places and other things," Homura Ryuu said seriously that made Kazehaya laugh silently at his side.

This prince just wanted to go on dates, he thought because he couldn't say it or he'd get scolded.

But Aki was more vocal.

"Oh, you wanted to go on dates?" Aki asked, now in a relaxed manner. "No problem. I think it's actually the best so you'd have time to get to know each other too. Instead of getting married immediately, it's better to be her boyfriend first no?"

Suzuki smiled at the prince with approval.

Homura Ryuu, on the other hand, looked surprised for the first time. "B-boyfriend?"

This time, Kazehaya Gin who was reining in his laughter for a while burst. "Yeah, it comes before getting engaged, then married."

They were both thinking Homura would get angry, but instead, he looked pensive, then nodded. "Alright. I'm her boyfriend for now then."

With that, the talk of the engagement ended, and they called the hostesses for more alcohol. Suzuki Aki looked like he totally needed a good drink after all the stress he'd been through that night.

Kazehaya was more than happy to get drunk with him, but surprisingly, the Koutaishidenka also decided to stay and accompany them.

"I don't want to do anything without asking you first, but do you already have plans for that girl?" Aki asked with a grim expression, referring to Okada Koharu.

"Are you thinking of making her disappear?"Kazehaya asked lightly as if he was just talking about the weather.

"I will not lie and say I don't want to cause her harm. I want to punch her at this moment if she's here," Aki admitted. He didn't care if the other was female. She hurt his little sister.

"She will be dealt with, of course," the Koutaishidenka said softly.

"That's right. The chief of police has already been replaced at this moment actually, and all the policemen who were involved in the cover-up were fired," Kazehaya added which surprised Aki.

"Not only that," Kazehaya continued, still sounding cheerful, and yet his hazel eyes were cold. "Her parents have been terminated from their respective jobs, and all their close relatives have been bankrupted."


Aki had no other words. "Erhm… Thank you?"

Kazehaya shook his head. "It's our duty. They harmed the future Lady of the Homura House. They deserve to sink at the bottom of the pits. All that's left is that girl and the one who tampered with the car. We're still trying to locate him."

"I see," Aki nodded, and then he cleared his throat as he remembered his embarrassing stint earlier.

"I'm so sorry for showing such a weak side of me today." Aki totally looked apologetic.

"To shed tears is not a symbol of weakness. Strong men cry," Koutaishidenka replied.

The statement made the young president ponder for a while before he spoke again. "Have you ever cried?"

Kazehaya Gin nodded his chestnut head vigorously. "I cry all the time."

"Ah, so it's normal."

Aki then turned to Ryuu who had an unreadable expression on his face. Silence hung between them for a few seconds, and he had given up hearing an answer when the prince spoke.

"It only applies to humans."


Aki was dumbfounded, then, his eyes filled with admiration. But of course, Homura Ryuu was an existence so unlike ordinary people like him. With his presence and his abilities, he's like a god.

Kazehaya Gin, on the other hand, was trying hard not to laugh again. After all, the Koutaishidenka was technically, really not human.

"Ah don't talk about depressing things anymore. Let's drink to our hearts' content tonight!"