

"You're engaged to be married to the prince of the Homura House…"


Ara was dumbfounded. She never expected that in this very modern world, something very archaic such as being betrothed to someone by her parents at birth still happened. But, considering her status as the Suzuki heir, it wasn't impossible. In Asia, something like that still happened among rich families such as theirs.

Due to her silence, Aki thought she was angry.

"Ara, I'm so sorry. Big bro read the contract, and there's nothing I could do. There were two contracts and both were signed by our parents – and the yuino was already given and more. It would be bad if we cancel it…."

But Ara continued to be quiet so Aki closed his eyes as if to pray, and when he opened it again, there was a look of defeat in them.

"But if you really, really hate the idea, big brother will find a way to break it," he promised, his voice hoarse, and it was only then that Ara snapped out of her thoughts.

"Ah no,"Ara shook her head. "Sorry big bro, I spaced out."


Ara nodded. "You don't have to cancel," she assured him.

She had no problems being betrothed since for her it was the norm. Back in Ritz, Alistair had even arranged for her to marry Ivan of Kres as soon as she came of age. It was the destiny of women in her position.

Aki still looked worried. "I don't want to force you into anything Ara. If you don't want this marriage, then tell big brother now. We may have some drawbacks and we might have to leave Japan, but big bro will protect you."

Leave Japan? That extreme?

Ara was shocked – and was touched.

Of course. Engagement contracts weren't easily broken. If they were, the party who broke it would have to suffer a lot – unless it's a mutual decision. In her old world, it could mean war.

To give her an option was very brave and very thoughtful of Suzuki Aki. It's as if he was willing to face the consequences than force her into a union she didn't want.

But there wasn't a need to. His thoughtfulness was enough.

"No need to cancel big bro," Ara assured him again. "Even if he turns out ugly I can just close my eyes."

"No, he's not ugly. He's actually very beautiful."

Beautiful? Who'd describe a guy like that? Ara thought, forgetting that she called two men pretty last night.

"Then if he's gay, it's okay. I will be very understanding and even protect his love."

"No. He's not gay," Aki deadpanned. Ara ignored him.

"If he's mean and has a bad temper, I can just kick his balls. Men like that don't deserve to have descendants."

Aki shook his head vigorously. "He's not like that! Ara, what comics have you been reading?"

He totally looked scandalized. "The guy's normal and he's a very nice one okay?"

Ara was thoughtful for a while, and then she nodded.

"But I hope it isn't too soon. I still want to finish my studies." It was her only worry. Some husbands didn't allow their wives to pursue their own careers.

With that, Aki seemed to relax.

"There's no worry on that aspect little sis. I talked to your fiancé last night, and he said he'll be supporting the idea that you follow the path you want to take – a career you might want to have as long as you will marry him in the end."

Ara's silver-grey eyes were round as saucers upon hearing that. "He did?"

Aki nodded happily. "As I said, he's a very reasonable and likable fellow – just on the quiet side, but he's very nice."


Ara blinked several times.

Wait a minute… Homura?

"My fiancé is the prince of Homura?" she asked, and when Aki nodded, she finally realized the reason for the bouquet and Kazehaya's visit.

After thinking about Kazehaya, Ara remembered the events last night and Aki's words.

Come to think of it…

"Big bro, is that why you were with Big Bro Kaze yesterday? To talk about the engagement?"

"Yes. Actually, Kazehaya Gin was just there to mediate. The one I discussed your engagement with was your fiancé."

With that, the image of the beautiful archer prince came to her mind and her mouth gaped.

"What happened?"Aki asked in alarm, sensing her shock.

"Big bro, that quiet guy…"


"The Homura prince – is he a quiet handsome guy with ice blue eyes?" she asked in a whisper.

"Ah, you saw Ryuu last night too? He came with Kazehaya to the house?" Aki was surprised.


So it really was him, her fiance...

Ara swallowed. "Yes. He asked me to call him Ryuu, but when I refused, he made me call him Kou instead."

"Kou?" Even Aki was confused, and then he realized what it stood for. "Ah yes, he's the Koutaishidenka after all."

Ara rolled her eyes. She'd been duped. It wasn't a dialect after all.

"So, what do you think of your fiancé?" Aki asked. Since they'd met each other already, he wanted to know her impression of him.

Ara shrugged. "It was just that one meeting so I couldn't say anything although…"


"Last night wasn't the first time I saw him. I've seen him already years ago in middle school. He came to our school to demonstrate the Japanese traditional archery and he was really good at it. My classmates and I thought he was so cool and pretty."

"Oh that's good then," Aki approved. "At least it's a good first impression."

Ara silently agreed.

Still, she felt like fate was being so mischievous lately. Just last week, she mentioned Kou to her classmates in an impulse. Then she thought about him enough to draw him on paper. Last night, he suddenly reappeared in her life.

And now…

Now she found out that she and that beautiful archer boy had been betrothed since birth.

Ara hadn't realized that she had on a sweet smile on her face. Aki who had been worried about how she'd take her engagement was now relieved. Also…

"Ryuu said he'd like to be a part of your life as early as now so you'd get used to him. I hope you don't mind if he shows up and asks to spend time with you. Of course, if you're busy you can tell him and he will understand."

"I know big bro," Ara said as she stood up, ready to go to school.

Aki glanced at the time. "Okay, I'll take you to school now," he said as he too stood up. His hangover seemed to have vanished.

Soon, the two of them rode in the car and arrived at Ara's school gates in no time.

"Big brother, don't bother picking me up later," Ara said. When Aki gave her a questioning look, she explained. "I will have club activities later."

"Ha? Since when did you have club activities?" Aki was surprised. She hated them before.

"Since yesterday," Ara answered cheekily, as she got out of the car. Before she could step away though, her brother grabbed her arm. "What's wrong bro?"

Suzuki Aki looked serious as he searched her face. "Stay away from trouble. Most especially that girl," he said.

Ara had no idea why he was suddenly like that, but a niggling suspicion at the back of her mind said that maybe he already knew what happened. But, it was impossible since when she tried checking, the police already declared her crash was nothing but a freak accident, and not attempted murder.

"I will. Bye big bro!"