

"Is that so?"

Homura Ryuu asked with an eyebrow raised, and the man reporting to him remained in kneeling position with his head bowed. "Yes, Young Master."

They were in one of the receiving rooms in the Homura House. Ryuu just finished practicing tea ceremony, when one of Kazehaya's assistants came to report to him about Suzuki Aki's request.

He sighed, and the servant was a bit frightened. This quiet young master rarely sighed, and when he did, it meant there was something that's frustrating him.

"Very well," the Koutaishidenka said after a whole while.

His handsome face remained hesitant, but he chose to humor his brother-in-law's request. "Tell Kazehaya to relieve the pressure on the Okadas' businesses."

A scowl then contorted his visage, and the servant flinched in fright. His eyes blue eyes were the same color as his flame dragon, and when the prince was not happy, those orbs reflected a certain dangerous glint that made them tremble to their knees.

"Except for the police chief and his men, tell Gin to secretly compensate for everyone's loss. As for the Okada couple, Suzuki Aki will take care of them."

"Yes, Young Master," the servant answered as he did another bow before excusing himself.

Alone, Homura Ryuu did another sigh. When he heard the appeal on the Okadas' behalf, he thought it absurd. Well, he still did now, but learning that it was his fiancée who asked, he conceded.

Ara knew about her accident. That was surprising.

But what was more astounding was the fact that in spite of knowing that the girl she treated as her best friend had been defaming her and even tried to kill her, Ara still asked for leniency on their behalf.

What do you mean being treated as pitiful creatures? Looking like a villain?

Homura Ryuu wanted to tell his fiancée that in this world, what mattered were strength, influence, and power. Who cared what others would think of you? They were just insignificant creatures that would never dare oppose a single word powerful people said.

In reality, the prince was still angry over her accident – angry over the years he had spent resenting Ara, thinking she was promiscuous and ill-mannered because of Okada Koharu.

But, something that Ara said to Suzuki Aki made him agree with her plans. If the person herself wasn't satisfied with the method of revenge, then what was all the show of power for?

In the end, Ara was right. This revenge of crushing the Okadas was not for her but for him – to appease his anger.

But he had no right. As someone who also didn't believe Ara, he had no right to interfere with her vengeance. He would just make sure to be there when she needed him.

From now on, nobody could ever hurt her. They would have him as their enemy.

Homura Ryuu stood up from the floor and crossed the room. His slender fingers clamped the screen door and slid it open to reveal the gloomy weather outside. Stepping out of the polished wooden corridor, the corner of his eye caught the sight of the servants in thick clothing.

It was still winter after all – the last month of it technically, and today was especially cold with the unexpected downpour.

Nonetheless, Homura Ryuu's body's only clad in a plain black sweater, black trousers, and socks. A long, white-gold chain hung around his neck, and on his chest, a pendant with intricate design rested. It was the Homura clan's crest.

"Young Master, are you still heading out?" Yayoi, an old female servant, the head housekeeper asked. She had appeared around the corner of the house almost hurriedly as soon as he got out of the room.

The Koutaishidenka nodded his answer as he looked at her old, weathered face. She was like a kind grandma towards him.

"Please be careful. There's a thunderstorm," Yayoi advised again, and in one of the rarest times, the Koutaishidenka gave her a small semblance of a smile – a smile bestowed especially for the woman who had raised him since his mother was always away.

"I will," he answered softly. "Tell them to prepare the car," he continued as he glanced at the simple watch on his wrist.

Yayoi quickly motioned for the other servants to do his bidding. "You are going to pick up Young Miss Ara today?"

"Hmmm," the Koutaishidenka answered. "It's almost time her classes end."

"Will you bring her back here today? Should I prepare a room for her?"

Her question was asked gently, but there was no mistaking the glint of excitement in her brown eyes. Ever since Homura Ryuu announced that he would be spending more time outside to cater to his fiancée, the servants were abuzz with enthusiasm – happy to have another lady of the house soon.

Ever since Ryuu's parents retired and retreated overseas, it's been a while from the time when the Homura House last had a lady.

Sensing her real intention, which was wordlessly pushing him to bring Ara home, the Koutaishidenka finally chuckled. "Not today Yayoi," he said.

"For now, I will be using my apartment in Gaienmae, it would be easier for me and her to meet there while she's still not used to me."

Gaienmae was an upscale neighborhood with impressive streets like Icho Namiki Avenue which was also known as the "Golden Street" because of the golden yellow ginkgo trees lining it.

The houses in the area were so expensive. Because of the exclusivity of the district, it was a known home to some of the wealthiest people in Japan and some of the biggest international companies like Homura International.

Because there were times when he had to go to the company to do some consultation job, Ryuu also had an apartment there. Although he never stayed there for long since he bought it. For now, it was just a place he used to house his extensive western wine collection.

"Ah, really…"Yayoi murmured.

Seeing the disappointment in her eyes, the prince walked towards her and took one of her wrinkled hands. "But you can definitely prepare a room for her here and decorate it the way you think she'd like. She will use it in the near future."

With that, Yayoi's eyes twinkled like the stars and she beamed at him. "Then hurry up with the courting, Young Master, so she can use the beautiful room I will prepare as soon as possible."

"I will," he promised, and he watched as the old lady hurried off on cloud nine. Ryuu could already imagine her brain whirring endlessly as she made preparations for Ara's arrival.

"Young Master, the car is here," another servant called out, and Homura Ryuu strode off to pick up his fiancée at her school.