

The story about the Koutaishidenka's unreliable and dysfunctional EQ…

Once upon a time, a beautiful raven-haired baby boy with ice blue eyes was born. His cries called forth the mighty blue flame dragon Mavara, the very same dragon of heaven's true Flame Emperor, Kresnik. Everyone instantly knew how special the existence of this baby was.

A returner to ancestry.

Homura Ryuu was the God of Fire, Kresnik, who had descended from heaven to grace and bless his descendants. With his birth, the clan's power which had been dwindling due to marriages with normal mortals would be revived. His offspring would be the future demigods protecting the earth.

It was no surprise that this boy would be spoiled rotten by everyone. Since birth, he was given only the very best of everything: education, toys, clothing and so on.

However, although the Koutaishidenka was normally a behaved child, there were moments when it was difficult for him and others to mingle. Because he'd been spoilt, things that normal people would feel or do were beyond him.

With this, the Homura clan arranged for the Kazehaya's son who was five years Ryuu's senior to accompany him and teach him these things.

He was Kazehaya Gin.

A beautiful boy of five wearing traditional Japanese clothing stood on the engawa facing the zen garden. Although still very young, his face bore an expression normally seen only on adults. He was stoic and quiet. In his hand was a wooden toy that was given to him by one of the guests.

It was his birthday, and a feast was being held in his name at one of the outer buildings.

"Koutaishidenka," Kazehaya Gin called, and the boy looked at him as he approached. "What are you doing here? The party is still not over."

"I'm bored," the boy answered, and the ten-year-old Gin smiled.

"Well, it's really boring, but they came here for you so you should be there."


The boy asked with all seriousness, indicating that he couldn't really understand. Gin knew about returners to ancestry like this boy, as he was taught by his family since young. He understood that they had retained some of their memories as a deity in heaven, and it included being worshipped by humans. This made most of them indifferent and selfish.

But Kazehaya Gin had been with this boy since he was a baby, and so he understood that it's not that Kou didn't care about people, he just didn't know how. Thus, Gin made it his life's mission to guide this young prince and improve his EQ.

To humanize a god was an impossible feat, but he would try his hardest.

"Because it's the correct thing to do."

"Why is it correct?"

"Because here on earth, we have some rules set by society. Humans need to follow them because it's the right thing to do," he explained patiently.

The boy was quiet for a while as if absorbing his words, but then his cute face frowned. "I'm not human."

His words were delivered a-matter-of-factly that Gin had nothing to rebut it with. With a sigh and a gentle smile, he scratched his head as he sat on the engawa next to the boy.

"That's true. You are indeed not human," he agreed. "But you have descended and is living among us humans now," Kazehaya reminded him. "

Technically, Kazehaya Gin was a demigod, but he had more human blood than deity's, and so he identified more like a human than not.

Although he had no idea why this one particular god descended, most deities did so because they were bored. Maybe Kresnik was too. Who knew?

But, regardless of the deities' reasons, it was always a certainty that they would do everything in their power to make sure their descendants thrive.

"Isn't it better to try and learn how to be a human?"


"Because by understanding us, you would be able to give the proper aid we need. Your descendants' fate relies on your union with your destined partner. She's human, and human girls, if you don't understand them, it would be terrible. You wouldn't want your bloodline to die out like mine."

Kazehaya gave a sad smile. His family was certain to lose its divine inheritance because they had failed to follow the prophecy.

The boy seemed to understand his melancholy and he frowned further. "Stribog, that unreliable oaf should have been here a long time ago. He had descended earlier than I did," he said with disapproval.

Hearing his ancestor being reprimanded, Kazehaya Gin laughed out loud. "Maybe he got lost," he said.

The wind god who was famous for being sidetracked so easily must have ended up in the other world, and thus his bloodline on earth would perish.

"Well, there's nothing we can do about that," Kazehaya Gin sighed, and the boy looked conflicted.

"Will you teach me?" he said in a small voice, and the older boy was surprised. His hazel eyes widened as he waited for the other to speak again.

"If being human would help me save this world, then so be it," the boy declared.

"I will teach you," Kazehaya Gin readily replied with a smile.

And so, years passed, and the small boy grew up to be the formidable Koutaishidenka everyone revered. However, this returner to ancestry had gone a huge transition compared to when he was a child.

He listened well to his friend, Kazehaya Gin, who made him learn the traditional arts to improve his temperament and control the flame god's volatile nature. He made him attend a normal school so he could understand people his age more. He supplied him with books to read so the curious god would have a further understanding of human nature.

Kazehaya Gin was so proud of the diligent deity.

Koutaishidenka had done very well in the past years, and his EQ had greatly improved, although there were still moments that his celestial nature would take over and be stubborn about things. An example was when they hadn't reunited with Suzuki Ara yet, and he got upset and jealous of the boy he thought she liked.

But, after things were cleared, Ryuu had mellowed and was amiable into learning more.

The day after they met with Suzuki Aki to finally announce the engagement, Kazehaya Gin found the prince brooding in his room.

"What's wrong?"

Ryuu looked up from the tatami and sighed. "I accepted being a boyfriend for the moment. But I have no idea what that is," he said so seriously the other almost giggled.

"Well, you're lucky."

Kazehaya had already determined this would happen, and so he came prepared. He handed Koutaishidenka a paper bag filled with reading materials about dating.

"What is this?"

"This is your homework," Kazehaya declared as he showed the Koutaishidenka a book called 'Dating 101', then pulled another one out of the bag called 'The Best Boyfriend'.

"Read and study all these, then you'll be good."

Homura Ryuu picked up one of the books and flipped it open and read an excerpt. "Make her heart race by looking at her directly in the eye. Eye to eye contact makes them fall in love with you more. For added sexiness, wear a pair of glasses even if you don't need it..."

Kazehaya who hadn't even checked the contents of the books fought hard to maintain a straight face.

"That's right. With your gorgeous looks and intense eyes, make Ara's heart go doki-doki. She would never think about looking at another man."

"I see…" the Koutaishidenka nodded so seriously that Kazehaya wanted to cry and roll on the floor with his mirth.

So now, we knew whose fault was it that Koutaishidenka's always staring at Ara's eyes, and why Ara seemed to always palpitate - Oh and the reason why Ryuu wore a pair of glasses too.

It seemed someone wanted someone to find him sexy.