
Unwanted Freedom

Huh? I'm…what?

Emi couldn't believe her ears. Her pair of huge chocolate eyes stared ahead where the formidable prince sat; her pink lips hung open, hoping she didn't hear incorrectly.

"Homura Emi, your role as the Makura will end today. You are now free to do what you want, and go where you want," Homura Ryuu repeated, and Emi's heart was so elated she felt tears fill her eyes.

Her dainty hand covered her mouth to stifle a sob of relief.

She was free.

But the Young Master's next words filled her with despair.

"You will leave the Cedar Palace as soon as possible."

On the other hand, her attendants thought that she was horrified, well because they were. If Emi was cast away, it would be the end for them. They would have to go back to being normal servants of the house. All the luxury and benefits they were able to enjoy would be lost.