

How Alinea's team was formed…

Alistair, King of Ritz was in his study, reading one of the new books he had acquired with the utmost difficulty when a soft tap on the door disturbed him. His forehead wrinkled as he frowned, a deep eleven formed in between his perfectly formed brows.

A glance at the horologe told him that it was already late in the evening. Who would dare disturb his personal time? Who dared to –


A soft, female voice he knew all too well spoke behind the heavy oak door, interrupting his mental rage and all negative thoughts vanished from his mind in an instant.


Of course, this little one could dare disturb him all she wanted. She could disturb him all day if she so wished. He wouldn't tell her that, though.

He cleared his throat as his amethyst orbs glanced at the mirror across the room, and set his face devoid of expression as he called out to his visitor to enter. "Come in, Ali…"