
Night Wind

Kazehaya Gin lounged in his chair inside his office at home, leaning back against the backrest like deadweight. He was exhausted beyond belief because he had too much work he had to finish since he didn't want to burden Ryuu with a lot of company matters while Ara's group would be staying at the Cedar Palace.

Sadly, he was informed that there was a misunderstanding about the school trip and that Ara's group would be somewhere else, too late. He had already taken up most work, preparing everything for the International Business Conference. If he had known he'd have given the Koutaishidenka more work.

"I want to sleep," he groaned before stretching with a huge yawn.

He was already on the verge of planning to crawl back to his room to take his much deserved and needed rest, when frantic footsteps echoed down the hall, outside his door.

"Young Master," Fuji called out to him, his voice as frenetic as his footsteps.