
Calm Before the Storm

When Homura Ryuu reached the Cedar Palace, the outer buildings were lit with brilliant lights, and the sounds of cheers and laughter could be heard. It seemed that the night program for the students would start soon. Based on the merriment in the air, it seemed his staff was able to pull off the instant program quite nicely.

As he was ordered, the driver took him to the secret route towards the inner Palace where his quarters were. He already had a full day of dealing with people; he didn't want to have to show up to the students tonight as well.

"Welcome back Young Master," the servants greeted as soon as he stepped out of the car.

The Koutaishidenka nodded his head in greeting as he removed his shoes and handed them towards a waiting servant. As soon as he stepped onto the engawa, Yayoi appeared to welcome him.

"Young Master, welcome back," she greeted.