
The Question

"Oh, what one does for love…"

Kazehaya Gin watched the Koutaishidenka finish the egg slowly as Ara fed him by hand and shuddered. How could Ryuu eat something he totally hated and still act like nothing's wrong? He wondered. Aki, on the other hand, felt amused but refrained from commenting as he ate his own egg. He silently applauded his brother-in-law's consideration of his sister's feelings.

"Aren't you going to taste it?" the Koutaishidenka then asked Gin who looked at the prince as if he's gone mad.

Of course, he wouldn't eat it. He disliked it. Then again Ryuu hated it and yet still ate it.

"Oh, Big Bro Kaze dislikes it?"

Hearing Ara's question, Kazehaya felt a bit guilty because he talked to her before buying the souvenirs and he didn't say anything – or rather couldn't say anything.