

"Ryuu-chan, are you a virgin?"

Kazehaya Gin looked totally problematic. It was as if he just realized he did a huge mistake and was shocked by it. Well, for someone who was responsible for all of the Koutaishidenka's human relationships, he technically did overlook something so important.

On the other hand, Homura Ryuu who had become quite scarlet in the ears cleared his throat as he arched a brow at the older man. "What nonsense are you talking about? Aren't you here?"

Kazehaya Gin's mother was a Homura that came from the line of Kresnik's descendants. He and Ryuu were technically second-degree cousins in this lifetime. Of course, Homura Ryuu as Kresnik was totally not a virgin. The God of Flames had fathered a lot of children over the millennia after all.

"I'm not talking about that – I'm talking about that body of yours now," Kazehaya scratched his head. For the first time, he felt exhausted looking after such a clueless deity – or so he thought.