

"Isn't she the victim in all this?"

Suzuki Aki's words felt like a huge slap on the face.

 "Emi was forced into a life she didn't want, trained to be someone who was like a glorified prostitute – even raised to produce a child or children she didn't choose to have because it was what was expected of her position. Now, she's been cast aside, demoted to a mere servant, but still treated like someone so disposable. Even if it's all for my sister, looking at it in her point of view, isn't she so pitiful?"

Hearing this, Kazehaya Gin suddenly looked conflicted, then guilty. He knew that of course. Still…

"I apologize. I know that you have your reasons whatever they may be. Also, it's your clan matter. But, I can't help not saying anything even if Ara comes out as the favored party, knowing that someone had to suffer like that for her sake… It just feels… awful."