
Introduction to Alinea (disclaimer)

Dear Readers,

Clarifying the mythology used in Alinea:

It does not really conform to a specific mythology per se. In fact, it's an amalgam of beliefs. I mostly used Slavic gods'names, but in Slavic mythology, heaven and hell do not exist. There is only the underworld where a person's soul would go when they die. It's called NAV, the underworld but also a parallel world while YAV is the mortal world. Because of this, I borrowed the Greek's Elysium Field and Tartarus. Tartarus, by the way, is not hell in general but a part of hell where souls of people who die go to be judged.

Aside from this, I have switched genders of some of the deities. Please do not confuse them with the real ones. 

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update schedule: 1 chapter/day unless stated otherwise.

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merci ❤❤