

"Ryuu, what's wrong?"

Kazehaya Gin looked at his friend worriedly as the other suddenly tensed and sat up straight in the middle of their conversation.

"Nothing. I just suddenly felt a shiver running down my spine," the Koutaishidenka answered and it was Gin's turn to tense up.

"Is it the portal?"

Ryuu shook his head. "No."

"Are you sure?"

Lately, the portal seemed quiet, but it was an eerie kind of silence that still made the guardians uncomfortable and wary.

"I'm sure," Ryuu answered confidently before grinning. "It was a nice kind of shiver," he said making Gin look at him as if he'd gone insane.


"Actually, I think, he's the one whose chastity's in danger…"

Suzuki Aki was speechless.

"Y-you…"He palmed his face in exasperation and sighed heavily.