

"Don't worry Miss Ara, the Young Master would never forget your wedding day. He would surely be here in time," Yayoi reassured the obviously fretful bride with a kind smile and a gentle squeeze in her hand.

Suzuki Ara, of course, knew this in her heart. No matter what happened, if Ryuu gave his word, he would always keep it. Still, she couldn't help but worry because there were times that someone's wish didn't always go the way he wanted it to. Accidents happened. So, regardless of how much she believed Ryuu would never break his word, she couldn't help but worry about him nonetheless.

"He and Big Brother Kaze went to check the accident, right?"

She already knew the answer to that question but she asked it anyway. Aoi came here wounded; of course, those two would go and check their people and the situation themselves. They're that reliable. Ara knew that very well. She probably just wanted to hear more reassurances to calm down.