
Man & Wife

The sounds were muffled and everything else in the world turned blurry as ice-blue eyes met silver-grey ones. It was as if they were the only ones there on earth at the moment. Each one of them took in the sight of the other, noting each and every detail carefully as if trying to immortalize how they looked in their minds.

The silence went on to what seemed to be an eternity before someone's clearing of their throat distracted them from their intense exchange of stares and were brought back to reality.

"Uhm… Can you guys ogle each other later after the wedding?" Kazehaya Gin said teasingly, eliciting a chuckle from the rest.

Heat crept up to their necks to their cheeks, a telltale sign the embarrassment was not one-sided. Even the others who were privy to their passionate gazes were red on the face, their lips twisted into a knowing smile as their eyes sparkled with happiness.