
Big Sister

"Ara, here!"

Chiaki's voice rang in the cozy place, and Ara spotted her as soon as she got there. They were at a posh café near Shibuya crossing called L'OCCITANE. Ara chose this as a meeting place as the nice golden yellow façade was not hard to miss, and the overall atmosphere inside was relaxing. Also, depending on the hour, the café was not so busy, so it was the perfect place to rendezvous.  

Aside from that…

"I ordered your favorite crème brûlée," Chiaki told Ara as soon as she arrived at the table.

Suzuki Ara grinned. Another reason why she chose this place was because of the dessert she had been craving for a while. The crème brûlée at this café was eleven dollars each but totally worth it since it was not only delicious, but it was also huge. One order of it could be easily shared by two people.

"Thanks! We're you waiting long?"Ara asked, her silver eyes scanning the other as she took her seat.