
Until That Time

"Homura Emi, do you like me?"

Silence hung between them that seemed to stretch into eternity after that question. It was like a sudden bomb that caught the two of them unawares. Kazehaya Gin was stunned that he asked it, while Emi was shocked for suddenly being questioned.

"I-I-um-I," Emi stammered and Gin took a deep breath before sighing. He was already prepared to be rejected of course. What idiot would ask a question like that so suddenly when things weren't clear between them yet?

The sin he committed against her still hung in the air, and he just had to put her in a corner like this. Yes, she didn't hate him – but he still hadn't apologized enough – at least not enough in his opinion. Everything he did was much too much – much too painful to be fixed with one sorry.