

"Before you came into Suzuki Ara's body… What's your name?"

If her jaw wasn't attached, Suzuki Ara's would have fallen on the floor the way they suddenly slacked in shock.

Before she came into Suzuki Ara's body?

She couldn't believe it. How did Ryuu know she's a different soul?

Ah, but she did tell him she's a demigod. How could the gloomy Suzuki Ara be a demigod?

She wanted to tell him that anyway, but still, with him getting ahead of her like this more than stunned her. At least, Ryuu opened this topic, although she felt embarrassed she would answer him truthfully. She cleared her throat.


Her heart, as if acknowledging her old name, thumped loudly, happy to be spoken about again. Ara was nervous too. She just realized that even if she's in Suzuki Ara's body, her current circumstance might be bad for the prophecy.