

"Of course. You will see, I always keep my word…"

Suzuki Ara smiled at her husband's words. She totally believed him this time. She had no idea, but something deep within her told her that this was the truth.

"Alright," she murmured; her loving gaze trained at her spouse.

She was still a bit sad he's going to leave, but at least now, that feeling was replaced with excitement. It was as if she was really looking forward to their future.

The test she had to deal with? She'd do it and even ace it. She didn't care before and it was just a total coincidence that her grades were all good. But this time, Ara was inspired to do her best for Ryuu, just as her husband was working hard for them.

For the future – for their future.

"I'll bring you to Denenchofu," Ryuu told her afterwards as he took her hand and started guiding her back towards the luncheon hall.

The two of them walked leisurely hand in hand, their eyes on each other.