
Forced Reincarnation

"I killed myself…"

Silence hung between them as each absorbed the words spoken. Talking about Vladimir of Kres before when they were students studying their clan's history, was like discussing someone totally unrelated. But now that the truth was out, it was difficult to think that way anymore.

Homura Ryuu was Emperor Vladimir of Kres, the emperor who suddenly took his own life after giving his son the task to go on a mission to protect the earth. It was who Kresnik was before he died and was born again as the Koutaishidenka of the Homura House.

Now that they knew, the two of them finally had the complete picture in their minds. When Vladimir was born, his circumstances were not the same as Ryuu's whom Mavara welcomed almost immediately as soon as he came out. The late emperor grew up like a normal royal of Kres. The fact that he was a returner to ancestry was totally news to them.