
The Gallant Brother

"Say, Chiaki, are you free right now? I've been asking my brother to accompany me shopping but he can't go today, so I asked him to ask you if you are free but you haven't replied yet..."


Suzuki Ara tried her best not to laugh at Aki's expression. She gave her a playful kick on the leg and told him to shut up with her eyes.

"I got married today, did you know?"

As her brother had given up and let her have her way, she was able to concentrate on her conversation with her possible future sister-in-law.  

"You did? Oh my God!"

Chiaki's voice sounded genuinely thrilled. Ara could imagine her jumping the way she was saying her congratulations.

"Pres did tell me that you are registering but I'm so sorry I couldn't come and congratulate you in person," Chiaki said apologetically.