
Something Important

"I don't make sense now, do I? I just have this bad feeling nagging at me, but I can't explain what exactly, how or why. I just knew it's connected to Czernobog."

Kazehaya Gin couldn't understand what he was talking about either. It was just that there's a nagging feeling deep within him that's making him restless.

Homura Ryuu, on the other hand, studied him seriously. "No, you don't make any sense – at least for now," he said making the other flinch.

"I knew it. Just ignore me," the wind caster said as he scratched the back of his head.

However, despite trying to look comical, and relax, the tensed energy surrounding Gin didn't change. It continued to be listless, and so Ryuu cleared his throat.

"If it were a normal human telling me that, then I will completely ignore it. But since it's you…"

Ryuu went silent again for a while as he looked thoughtful. He shifted on his seat as he propped his chin with his hand.