
Run Away No More

Asou Chiaki balled her trembling hands into fists on her lap. She closed her eyes again as she tried to take a few deep breaths to calm herself down. She had to be composed, she knew if she had to face Aki in a while to talk about this thing between them.

Oh well…

There was nothing she could do anymore to change or procrastinate things. She would have to face her fear and him. Aki had been straightforward to her. It was a disservice to him if she still ran away. Then again, did she really still want to do that? To pretend that nothing was happening between them?

Facing Suzuki Daizo the other day, Chiaki couldn't help but accept the truth that Aki was a very eligible bachelor. He was someone a lot of women wanted to have for their mate as well as a man who parents wanted for their daughters. It meant he could be with anyone, and yet, Aki chose her.

Who was she to keep someone as loyal like this hanging on the line?

She was a nobody.