

"See? You were so worried about your worth. But Chiaki, you're much too precious to the company – and to me."

Suzuki Aki's words felt like a caress in her senses. Warmth enveloped her heart, the dread that had festered within her core for years about her status was washed away completely and her insecurities were laid to rest. However, she couldn't help but be overwhelmed by her relief that tears flooded her vision until they poured out of her eyes down to her cheeks.

All this time, she had tried to deprive herself of the love she had been longing to protect him. That thought was like shackles around her, chaining her in place, preventing her from reaching out and be with him. Now that those shackles were gone – now that she realized that they didn't exist in the first place, she was more than relieved.

Ah, but that was wrong.