
Nutjob Tranny

"That's right. I'm a fox spirit. I'm here to punish bad boys…"

Without further ado, Ara jumped from the electric pole and landed on her feet without much effort. The way she did it looked so casual that it made the young men step back. It was as if they had an idea that what they're dealing with was some kind of supernatural.

"What are you?"

The leader, the guy who did most of the beating up earlier demanded. His voice sounded terse, but his body language and eyes told a different story. Ara was reminded of a porcupine upon seeing him with his spiky hair and messy leather ensemble.

"You're asking me after I just told you what I am?" Ara was incredulous.

She wondered where these guys intelligence went, but then realize she had to be patient as it was obvious they were just some underlings. The only somewhat smart member was the one who had tricked all of them and was now battered on the floor after the punching and the kicking his teammates gave him.