
An Old Friend


Alistair reached out for a scroll when he suddenly heard a voice in his consciousness and he accidentally knocked out his glass from the table. Amethyst eyes watched as the crystal fell and smashed against the marble floor, shattering into a myriad of small diamonds on the ground.

Footsteps echoed outside his door which opened immediately. Fredek and Ivan stepped in ready for a fight as they searched the room for any intruder but didn't find any.

"What happened? We heard a noise," Iva said as his jade gaze studied Alistair's face.

"Your Majesty…"

Fredek caught Ivan's attention as he pointed at the floor where shards of glass were everywhere. "Your Highness, please don't move. I'll have someone clear it up," he added as he went out of the door again.

Left alone, Alistair sat back on his seat as he tried to recall what he seemed to hear earlier.

"Well?" Ivan prompted and the Ritz King raised a brow.