
Stun Gun

"You will come with me, or this girl will die."

The threat made the blood in their veins run cold. Ara and the rest of her friends stood frozen as they watch in horror as the gun pressed against Rin's temple.

"What are you waiting for?" the man demanded. "Come here!"

Seeing Ara shift on her feet, Rin's eyes widened.

"Ara no! Go back inside!" she screamed as she struggled in the man's arms.

Ara and the rest were frightened the man would accidentally pull the trigger.

"Rin, stop!"Ara ordered, her voice terse, and her chubby friend stopped moving. Ara then looked at the men one by one with her cold silver-eyes. "I will go with you, so let her go," she said as she stepped forward despite the others' protests.

"Ara no!"

"I'll be okay," Ara told them, but her ears could hear the soft mocking laugh from the men in masks.