
Brink of Chaos


Kazehaya Gin's headache was starting to worsen. All the information he got today overwhelmed him, but he knew he had to do something.

"Alencica's half-god, but she's also the cursed child – someone who would bring an end to the world – this world and the other when she awakens."

"Is that why she's a broken soul?"

Dolya nodded.  "It's to delay the inevitable. To give time for the new Returners to Ancestry to remember their tasks."

Huh? Returners to Ancestry?

"You mean… there are others who came aside from Kresnik?" Kazehaya Gin couldn't believe it.

"Yes – Stribog and Perun," Dolya answered readily. "They had descended before Kresnik to stop the curse."


Gin remembered the silver-haired angry beauty in his dream and he shuddered.

"The King of Heavens descended?" Gin frowned. If so, then where was he? Shouldn't he be here where his daughter was?