
The Cage

"Young Master!"

Shiro and the others greeted as soon as Gin arrived. He turned to Fuji who immediately handed him the gray mask with the seal inside.

"What's going on?" he asked as he placed the mask on his face and Fuji went behind him to fix the clasp.

There were only ten people from the Fuuma there now, as the rest were in Hakone, assisting the Koutaishidenka. All wore black fitting clothes akin to ninjas and now donned gray masks to prevent being infected by the shadow lurker.

"The Okada girl had turned into an arachnid type monster. It's now chasing the Black God."


"What do you mean?"

Shiro looked serious as he answered. "It may sound absurd Young Master, but the Black God indeed is making the monster chase after her."

With a frown, Gin held out his hand and Shiro handed him the telescope. He was pessimistic about the report but was stumped to see that his people were right.